APT Policy and Regulatory Forum (PRF)



The Asia-Pacific Forum on Telecommunication Policy and Regulation (PRF), initiated in 2001, has become one of the most important forums for regulators and policy makers of the Asia-Pacific region. Attracting typically 100 high-level participants from the Ministries and Regulatory Authorities each year, PRF is an excellent forum for discussion on common policy and regulatory issues of the region. It has provided the members with the understanding and knowledge of the policy and regulatory best practices and information of emerging issues that countries need to consider in regulating their telecom environments and proving an enabling and sustainable environment for the telecom industry.

Many Asia-Pacific countries have, in the last decade, witnessed rapid development of their telecommunication and ICT infrastructure, although they may be in very different stages of development. The PRF has assisted members to strengthen their policy and regulatory frameworks by sharing information and experiences and providing a platform to discuss key challenges and barriers to access and other key issues such as Universal Access, Interconnection, Number Portability, Dispute Resolution, Competition and the introduction of new services.



Objectives of the APT Policy and Regulatory Forum are :



PRF will meet at least once a year or as deemed necessary. PRF will be lead by Chair and two Vice-Chairs. The Chair and two Vice-Chairs will be elected based on competency and interest to lead the work of the PRF with the term of two years that is extendable once. The Chair will be elected from the senior posts of APT Members. Two Vice-Chairs will be elected from APT members.



APT Secretariat

12/49 Soi 5 Chaengwattana Road

Bangkok 10210, Thailand
Tel: +662 573 0044
Fax: +662 573 7479
Email: [email protected]