How to become a member



  • Membership of APT is open to any state within the region which is a member of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).
  • Associate Membership of APT is open to any territory, part or group of territories within the region which is an associate member of ESCAP.
  • Affiliate Membership of APT is open to any enterprise, agency, institute, organization, association or other undertaking, entity or participant, whether private or government owned, commercial or not-for-profit, active in telecommunication services or information infrastructure with a substantial presence in, and commitment to, the region, which is prepared to participate in, and contribution to the work and activities of the Telecommunity. An applicant for Affiliate Membership shall be nominated by a Member or an Associate Member.


Procedure of Affiliate Membership Application

  • Complete the application form.
  • Send the form to the National Telecommunication Administration of the relevant Member State who is to forward to APT.
  • The applicant will become an Affiliate Member upon the acceptance of its application by the Secretary General of APT and the effective date of joining APT will be the date of acceptance by the Secretary General.


Annual Contribution

APT members may freely decide their voluntary contribution level which ranges from 0.5 to 60 units. One unit value of contribution for the Year 2024 is USD 10,280.