Can not log-in to website?

If you have a user name but can not log-in to APT website, please try to reset your password https://www.apt.int/reset-password. Password reset link will send to registered email address of your user account.


Can not access website?

If you can not open any APT website or webpage, please send e-mail to [email protected]. Please specify the site or URL where the error occurs.


Can not locate the contents from the previous version of website?

Some contents from the previous version of website are not available on-line at this moment. If you are looking for any specific site or information, please contact [email protected].


Want to access previous version of website?

Previous version of APT website can be access with url https://old.apt.int.


Does the site prompt you for log-in access?

If you try to access website which is restricted for APT members, you need a member log-in. If you are from APT member administration/organization, please contact APT focal point at your administration for log-in user name and password.


Want to sign-up as new web user?

Follow the procedure to sign-up to be a new web user.