The 21st APT Policy and Regulatory Forum (PRF-21)
19 July 2021 - 21 July 2021
Virtual/Online Meeting
APT organized the 21st APT Policy and Regulatory Forum (PRF-21) from 19 to 21 July 2021 as a virtual/online meeting.
The PRF-21 addressed issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to Pillars of the Strategic Plan of the APT for 2021-2023. PRF-21 also included a special Ministerial Session from APT Member Administrations to share insights, experiences, lessons learned, policies being implemented in their countries with regard to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and digital transformation, which is an objective of the Singapore Statement adopted by the ICT Ministers of APT.
The Forum also included a special roundtable session among Head of Regulators to share their experiences as well as engage in dialogue to identify the challenging issues and how to enhance cooperation between regulators/policymakers to smoothen the deployment of 5G in the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, the Forum had a business dialogue session which intends to provide a platform for industry representatives to share their views on the strategies to accelerate 5G deployment as well as thematic sessions on OTT and Digital Economy.
Invitation Letter
Information for Participants
Concept Note
Meeting Documents
APT Web Dialogue on COVID-19 and Cybersecurity: what's happening and how to respond (policy01) (21 July 2021)
(Note: Participants who register for PRF-21 are not required to register again for APT Web Dialogue)