ICT Application Projects (EBC-K Projects)


ICT is a key for sustainable economic growth and social development. ICT is a crucial driving innovation force throughout the society and the economy. ICT has rapidly permeated all economic, social areas and our daily life and it leads to significant changes to them.

Brunei Darussalam Statement adopted in 2014 at the APT Ministerial Meeting mentions that ICT applications are key elements for the socio-economic development of the Asia-Pacific region and it encourages APT Members to promote ICT applications. In this regards, APT has its mission in promoting ICT applications to support solving economic and social issues such as increasing efficiency, improving productivity and bridging digital divide in each Member country.

APT aims to implement the “Project to Facilitate ICT Application in the Asia-Pacific” in order to fulfill its mandate in promoting ICT applications to support solving economic and social issues such as increasing efficiency, improving productivity and bridging digital divide in each Member country.

This project is funded by the Extra Budgetary Contribution from government of the Republic of Korea.



Projects should target the existing public or private services/industries such as tourism, education, healthcare, transportation, marketplace, or any other services or industries of our APT member countries.

The proposed ICT applications in the project should aim to contribute to increase efficiency and productivity of the existing services/industries, or provide new economic values and benefits to them through utilizing the ICT applications.

 * Project Example 1 (ICT and Tourism) :
There are many popular tourist spots like beautiful islands, mountains or historic places in the Asia-Pacific region. By applying the ICT applications into the specific local tourism service such as tourist information, communication means or new payment methods with regard to the accommodation, food, transportation, shopping or entertainment, the tourism service can be more efficient and provides more customer friendly services during the visits.

* Project Example 2 (ICT and Agriculture) :

Utilizing ICT in the agricultural industry can create new added values by applying ICT to the value chain of production, distribution and consumption of agro-foods. One project for the greenhouse facilities of strawberries in a province in South Korea experienced highly improved productivity and income by applying optimized production environment system using USN, RFID, and other ICTs for temperature, humidity and CO2 sensing and monitoring, remote control of side windows, skylights, nutrient solutions and water.


  • Each project will be supported up to USD60,000 by the Extra Budgetary Contribution from the government of the Republic of Korea (EBC-K). The APT Secretariat will determine the total amount of the financial support for the project.
  • Preference in the selection process will be given to the project with matching fund from APT Members and other outside resources besides EBC-K.
  • The project shall be completed within 18 months from the date of the notification of selection by the APT Secretariat.

Click here for Implemented Projects and Reports (User log-in required)


Scheme of the Programme and relevant Forms for 2024's Projects 

Invitation for Proposal for EBC-K Project Plan 2024

Attachment-1:  2024 Plan for EBC-K Project

Attachment-2: Application Form (2024)  

Attachment-3: Accounting form and Budget Plan (2024)


APT Secretariat
12/49, Soi 5, Chaengwattana Road, Bangkok 10210, Thailand
Tel: 662-573-0044
Fax: 662-573-7479
[email protected]