The Meeting of the South Asian Telecommunication Regulators’ Council (SATRC) Working Group on Policy, Regulation and Services

  • 5 October 2020
  • Virtual/Online Meeting

The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) organized the meeting of the South Asian Telecommunication Regulators’ Council (SATRC) Working Group on Policy, Regulation and Services on 5 October 2020.

The 19th Meeting of the SATRC (SATRC-19) held in Islamabad, Pakistan agreed that this meeting would be hosted by Communication Authority of Maldives. However, given the COVID-19 pandemic situation in the Asia-Pacific, APT Secretariat in consultation with the head of the regulators of SATRC Members considered that this meeting will be organized virtually. 

The meeting of the SATRC Working Group on Policy, Regulation and Services was a part of the activities of SATRC Action Plan Phase VII which was adopted by the SATRC-19.

The objective of the meeting was to conduct the Working Group activities on the work items assigned by the Council. This meeting was the second meeting of the Working Group under SATRC Action Plan Phase VII and it discussed progress of the work items assigned to the Working Group.


Information for Participants

Meeting Documents