APT Members Focal Points

Country/Territory Organization/ Administration
Afghanistan (Islamic Emirate of) Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
Australia Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
Bangladesh (People's Republic of) Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission
Bhutan (Kingdom of) Government Technology (GovTech) Agency
Brunei Darussalam Authority for Info-Communications Technology Industry
Cambodia (Kingdom of) Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
China (People's Republic of) Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Democratic People's Republic of Korea Ministry of Information and Communications Technology Industry
Fiji (Republic of) Ministry of Communications
India (Republic of) Ministry of Communications
Indonesia (Republic of) Ministry of Communications and Informatics
Iran (Islamic Republic of) Ministry of Information and Communications Technology
Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Kiribati (Republic of) Ministry of Information, Communications and Transport
Korea (Republic of) Ministry of Science and ICT
Lao People's Democratic Republic Ministry of Technology and Communications
Malaysia Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia
Maldives (Republic of) Communications Authority of Maldives
Marshall Islands (Republic of the) Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Micronesia (Federated States of) Department of Transportation, Communication and Infrastructure
Mongolia Ministry of Digital Development and Communications
Myanmar (Republic of the Union of) Ministry of Transport and Communications
Nauru (Republic of) Department of Information Communication and Technology
Nepal (Federal Democratic Republic of) Ministry of Communication and Information Technology
New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) Ministry of Information Technology & Telecommunication
Palau (Republic of) Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Industries & Commerce
Papua New Guinea National Information and Communications Technology Authority
Philippines (Republic of the) Department of Information and Communications Technology
Samoa (Independent State of) Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
Singapore (Republic of) Infocommunications Media Development Authority
Solomon Islands Ministry of Communication and Aviation
Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) Telecommunications Regulatory Commission
Thailand (Kingdom of) Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
Tonga (Kingdom of) Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change, & Communications
Tuvalu Ministry of Justice, Communication and Foreign Affairs
Vanuatu (Republic of) Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) Ministry of Information and Communications