Outcomes of SATRC Action Plan Phase III

SATRC Action Plan Phase III (SAP-III) was adopted by the 11th Meeting of SATRC held on 24-26 November 2009 in Colombo, Srilanka for the implementation year 2010 -2011. SAP-III was successfully implemented in time frame and it's completion was reported to the 13th Meeting of SATRC held on 18-20 April 2012 in Kathmandu, Nepal. Outcomes of the SAP-III were approved by the 13th Meeting of SATRC.

SAP-III was implemented through three Working Groups. Each WG was assigned with a number of Work Items. The WG are:

  • WG Policy and Regulation: To deal with the work items related to policy, regulation and ICT development in the region. It was chaired by Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).
  • WG Spectrum: To deal with the work items related efficient use of Spectrum resources. It was chaired by Communication Regulatory Authority of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
  • WG Network and Services: To deal with the work items related to network deployment, innovative technologies and different aspects of netwrok services. It was chaired Telecommunication Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka.


WG wise outcomes of the SAP-III are listed in the table below. The outcomes were approved by the 3th Meeting of SATRC held on 18-20 April 2012 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The outcomes can be downloaded by clicking on the items.

WG Policy and Regulation1. SATRC Report on "Facilitation of Broadband in SATRC Countries"
2. SATRC Report on "Green Telecoommunication"
3. SATRC Guideline on "Issues related to Voice over IP"
4. SATRC Report on "Critical Information Infrastructure Protection and Cybersecurity"
WG Spectrum1. SATRC Guideline on "Harmonized Use of Spectrum Band for PPDR Use"
2. SATRC Report on "Emergency Telecommunication - Acceding to Tampere Convention"
3. SATRC Report on "Efficient Use of Spectrum Using LTE"
4. SATRC Report on 'Spectrum Sharing and Trading"
5. SATRC Report on "Spectrum Pricing"
6. SATRC Report on "Challenges of Future Technologies in Spectrum Management: Cognitive Radio"
WG Network and Services1. SATRC Report on "Ensuring Quality Mobile Handsets in SATRC Countries"
2. SATRC Report on "Evolution of NGN: Interconnection Tariff in SATRC Countries"