International Collaborative Research (Category-I)

International Collaborative Research (Category-I)


This Category-I Programme is formerly known as “HRD Programme for Exchange of ICT Researchers and Engineers” or EBC-J2 Programme. The objective of the “International Collaborative Research” is to promote the exchange of advanced knowledge and technical know-how among ICT researchers/engineers in the Asia-Pacific region through international collaborative research projects on ICT and ICT utilization. This programme is funded by the extra budgetary contribution from Government of Japan.

The APT annually invites applications for collaborative research projects on the programme from APT members. And then the APT selects some proposals in accordance with the criteria.

The criteria have been updated to reflect rapid technological changes and other circumstances since initiation of the programme in 2001.

Subject field of the collaborative research

  1. Technologies for Broadband Deployment and e-Applications
  2. Cybersecurity
  3. Applications of ICT for Disaster Management
  4. Emerging Technologies in ICT such as Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), etc.
  5. Wireless Communications Technology
  6. Technology for Rural Telecommunications
  7. Language Processing Technology
  8. Telecommunications Policy
  9. Innovative ICT application to help in the recovery from COVID-19
  10. Others

Main feature of the collaborative research (Category I)

Click here for Implemented Projects and Reports(User log-in required)



Invitation Letter



Strategic Plan of the APT for 2024-2026


Category-I Attachment-1 Scheme of the Programme
Category-I Attachment-2 Application Form and Annexes  
Category-I Attachment-3 Accounting Form and Budget Plan

DSA Rate (April 2023)
List of ICT Experts




APT Secretariat, HRD and ICT Department

12/49, Soi 5, Chaengwattana Road, Bangkok 10210, Thailand
Tel: +662 573 0044
Fax: +662 573 7479
Email: [email protected]