APT WTDC-25 - Working Group 2

Working Group 2 (WG2): Working Methods, Declaration and Action Plan, General ICT Development Issues

 WG2 considers the activities related to Working Methods, Declaration and Action Plan, General ICT Development Issues. The Terms of  Reference of WG2 are to:

  • Review the ITU-D's Working Methods, particularly in regard to the organization of and procedures associated with meetings of the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG) and Study Groups, in the interests of optimizing and enhancing their effectiveness and efficiency during the forthcoming period;
  • Identify any issues that need stronger support and commitment of the APT Members and to prepare draft inputs for Declaration and Action Plan of the WTDC;
  • Identify key issues for the regional ICT development, including general policy and cooperation among memberships, taking into account the needs of the region and the relevant Strategic Plan of the APT;
  • Consider Resolutions, Recommendations and Decisions relating to ITU-D relevant to the activities of this WG.