Preparatory Group for ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 (APT PP-22)


WG1 considers the policy and legal issues of the ITU. Proposed terms of reference of WG1 are to:

  • Review Council decisions/discussions/recommendations on policy, structure, legal and general issues;
  • Review the substance of the treaty level instruments of ITU and proposed amendments to the Constitution (CS), Convention (CV), Rules of Procedure and Optional Protocol, if it is absolutely necessary;
  • Review and propose amendments to the Rules of Procedure of Conferences and meetings relating to the Radiocommunication, Telecommunication Standardization and Telecommunication Development Sectors, and operational aspects of Plenipotentiary Conferences and the Council, if necessary;
  • Review PP Decisions, Resolutions and Recommendations relevant to the activities of WG1;
  • Review contributions and proposals to PP-22 from other regions and countries on any strategic issue, including policy, structure, or legal issues;
  • Examine the outputs of relevant CWGs on matters falling under the responsibility of the group.
  • WG1 also considers any other issues determined by the Group for the preparation for PP-22 or referred to the Group by other APT Preparatory Groups.


Ms. Mina Seonmin Jun, Policy Advisor, Korea Information Society Development Institute, Republic of Korea (Email: [email protected])


Mrs. Aulia Astagina Ramadhani, Subcoordinator of Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Comunication and Informatics, Republic of Indonesia(Email: [email protected] )
Mr. Yasunari Ueno, Director for International Strategy, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications,Japan (Email: [email protected])

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