AFIS Video Tutorial

This page provides step by step training for the detail use of APT Frequency Information System (AFIS). Individual video lessons have been prepared for different parts of AFIS. Video lessons have been uploaded at YouTube. The tutorials have been divided into two parts:

Following two tables provide the video links related to the relevant parts of AFIS.

Tutorial 1: General use and search of data in AFIS

Lesson No.Lesson TitleLesson Description
Part 1
General introduction on AFIS
This lesson provides the background and general information including the work scopes of AFIS
Part 2
Search and compare of frequency allocation in AFIS (numerical search)
This lesson provides tutorial how to perform numerical search on the table of frequency allocation and how to compare the allocations of a number of APT Members
Part 3
Search and compare of frequency allocation in AFIS (graphical search)
This lesson provides tutorial how to perform graphical search on the table of frequency allocation and how to compare the allocations of a number of APT Members
Part 4
Search and compare of applications in AFIS
This lesson provides tutorial on how to perform numerical and graphical search and comparison on different radio applications in AFIS
Part 5
Search on 'Right of Use' or licensing information in AFIS
This lesson provides tutorial on how to search and view the information of the license holders of various radiocommunication applications in APT Members
Part 6
Search on 'Radio Interface'  information in AFIS
This lesson provides tutorial on how to search and view the different radio interface parameters for a particular radio application of APT Members
Part 7
Search on 'Documents' in AFIS
This lesson provides tutorial on how to search and view the different documents and reference materials related to frequency management of APT Members

Tutorial 2: Data insertion and data maintenance in AFIS

Lesson No.Lesson TitleLesson Description
Part 1
Introduction and details of the Account Editor
This lesson provides tutorial on how to insert data in Account Editor
Part 2
Introduction and details of Account Editor, Band Manager, Footnote Editor and Freqeuncy Band Footnote Editor
This lesson provides tutorial on how to input the national table of frequency allocation data into AFIS using  Account Editor, Band Manager, Footnote Editor and Frequency Band Footnote Editor
Part 3
An example of editing/updating freqeuncy allocation in AFIS
This lesson provides a comprehensive example on how to input/update the national table of frequency allocation data into AFIS using  Account Editor, Band Manager, Footnote Editor and Frequency Band Footnote Editor
Part 4
Introduction and details of the Applications Editor
This lesson provides tutorial on how to insert data related to radiocommunication applications in Application Editor
Part 5
Introduction and details of the Document Editor
This lesson provides tutorial on how to insert data related to document and reference materials related to frequency management in Document Editor
Part 6
Introduction and details of the Right of Use Editor
This lesson provides tutorial on how to insert data related to spectrum licensing and details of license holders in Right of Use Editor
Part 7
Introduction and details of the Radio Interface Editor
This lesson provides tutorial on how to insert the parameters of defining a radio Interface in Radio Interface Editor
Part 8
Working with XML files and data backup in AFIS
This lesson provides tutorial on how to work with XML file in AFIS and techniques/tips for data backup in AFIS