Training Course on Preparing for International Conferences (TCPIC) 2021

The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) will organize the Training Course on Preparing for International Conferences (TCPIC) 2021 from 5 July to 23 July in 2021.

ThE training course aims to provide the newly recruited or junior officials of the international relation department of the APT member with a set of basic knowledge on international conferences on telecommunication and ITC and skills for negotiation as well as the opportunity to have hands-on experience in the decision-making process through various lecturers and actual participation into role-play exercise (Mock Conference). The lectures will be delivered by regional and international experts, those who are closely associated with the activities of APT, ITU and other international meetings.

In 2021, due to the widespread of the COVID-19 across the world, the TCPIC 2021 will be conducted online through the platform of ITU Academy. The topic of the training will be picked up in line with WTDC (ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference).

Concept Note
Course Outline (programme)

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