The 27th Meeting of the APT Wireless Group (AWG-27)
22 March 2021 - 30 March 2021
Virtual/Online Meeting
The APT would organize the 27th Meeting of the APT Wireless Group (AWG-27) from 22 to 30 March 2021 as a virtual/online meeting.
The APT Wireless Group (AWG) covers various aspects of emerging wireless systems to meet the upcoming digital convergence era in the Asia-Pacific region. It also assists to provide cost effective radiocommunication solutions and to facilitate the transfer of technology and knowledge. In its 27th meeting, the AWG will report on the progress of its activities and discuss the relevant topics and issues further.
All APT Members, Associate Members, Affiliate Members, International/Regional Organizations, and Eligible Non-Members can attend the meetings by registering online through the APT Website. Only registered participants are entitled to join the meeting.
For Members, Associate Members and International/Regional Organizations, it is kindly requested to send the official list of members in your delegation.
Participation of Non-Members: With the discretion of the Secretary General of APT in consultation with the relevant Member Administration as appropriate, Non-Members may attend the meeting as an “Observer”.
Registration of delegates can be done online at, preferably by 8 March 2021 for making necessary arrangements. Once registration is accepted, APT Secretariat will provide access information to the virtual meeting directly to the registered participants two weeks prior to the meeting. Only duly registered participants are entitled to join the meeting.
Submision of Contributions
Contributions from APT Members, Associate Members, Affiliate Members, Regional and International Organizations are welcome. You are requested to use the proper document template for your contribution. Contributions will be posted on APT Website prior to the starting of the meeting. Last date of receipt of your contributions by APT Secretariat is 15 March 2021. Please, submit your contributions to [email protected]