The 1st Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTDC-21 (APT WTDC21-1)

  • 24 July 2020
  • Virtual Meeting

The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) organized the 1st Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTDC-21 (APT WTDC21-1) on 24 July 2020. Given the COVID-19 pandemic situation in the Asia-Pacific, APT Secretariat in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Management Committee of the APT considered the necessity that the APT WTDC21-1 was organized virtually.

The objective of the APT WTDC21-1 was to initiate the preparatory process of the APT for the ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference 2021 (WTDC-21). The APT WTDC21-1 is expected to:

  • Elect the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the preparatory group;
  • Form the structure of the preparatory group;
  • Nominate other Office Bearers of the preparatory group based on the structure;
  • Develop working methods and work plan for the preparation of WTDC-21;
  • Preliminary discuss issues pertaining to WTDC-21.


Meeting Documents