The 8th Meeting of the Working Group of Management Committee on APT Legal Instruments (WGMC-8)
10 August 2020 - 11 August 2020
Virtual Meeting
The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) organized a virtual meeting for the 8th Meeting of the Working Group of Management Committee on APT Legal Instruments (WGMC-8) from 10 to 11 August 2020.
WGMC-8 will review and discuss the tasks assigned by the 43rd Session of Management Committee of the APT, i.e. to draft the revised Affiliate Membership Guidelines, review the Resolution on Suspension on the Rights and Benefits of the Membership due to Arrears, review the status of MoU between the APT and other Organizations, and consider the timing for implementing the new retirement age. In addition, it is also expected to discuss the draft Guidelines for APT Virtual Meetings.
Meeting Documents
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