32nd APT Standardization Program Forum (ASTAP-32)

  • 10 November 2020 - 11 November 2020
  • Virtual Meeting

The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) organized the 32nd APT Standardization Program Forum (ASTAP-32) from 10 to 11 November 2020. Considering the COVID-19 pandemic situation in the Asia-Pacific, APT Secretariat in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Management Committee of the APT considered the necessity that ASTAP-32 was organized virtually.

The main objectives of ASTAP-32 were to elect the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of ASTAP, review the outcomes of the 43rd Session of the Management Committee of the APT (MC-43) relevant to ASTAP, review the APT Members’ Responses to Questionnaire on Requirement on ICT Standardization and review the ASTAP Working Group activities and its Work Plan.

Meeting Documents