The Meeting of the SATRC Working Group on Spectrum
11 June 2019 - 12 June 2019
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) organized the Meeting of the SATRC Working Group on Spectrum from 11 to 12 June 2019 in Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of). The meeting was hosted by Communication Regulatory Authority (CRA) of the Islamic Republic of lran.
The meeting of SATRC Working Group on Spectrum is a part of the activities of SATRC Action Plan Phase VII which was adopted by the 19th Meeting of SATRC (SATRC-19) held in Islamabad, Pakistan.
The objective of the meeting was to conduct the Working Group activities on the work items assigned by the Council. This meeting was the first meeting of the Working Group under SATRC Action Plan Phase VII and discussed the Work Items assigned to the Working Group.
Meeting Documents
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