The 2nd Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for PP-18 (APT PP18-2)
30 January 2018 - 1 February 2018
Hanoi, Viet Nam
The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) organized the 2nd Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for PP-18 (APT PP18-2) from 30 January to 1 February 2018 in Hanoi, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. The event was hosted by the Ministry of Information and Communications, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.
APT PP18-2 discussed the issues of interest to the region for the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2018 (PP-18). APT PP18-2 conducted the following activities:
- Reviewed outcomes of Council WGs and Experts Group on ITRs;
- Reviewed outcomes of WTDC-17 (related to PP-18);
- Considered Issue Papers prepared by the Working Groups of APT PP-18;
- Considered the input contributions from APT Members;
- Reviewed outcomes of the preparatory process of other regional organizations;
- Developed APT views on PP-18 issues; and
- Developed APT contributions, if any, to 2018 Session of the Council.
The Workshop on APT Preparation for ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2018 (PP-18) was also be held on 29 January 2018, prior to PP18-2. The objective of the Workshop on APT Preparation for PP-18 was to create a common understanding for the smooth running of the Preparatory Meetings and allow APT Members to get familiar with the process of ITU Plenipotentiary Conferences. It focused on the overall introduction of the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, its related activities, as well as issues carried forward from previous ITU Conferences or Assemblies.