2nd Meeting of the Correspondence Group on the Strategic Plan of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity for 2018-2020 (CGSP-2)
27 July 2017
Colombo, Sri Lanka
The 2nd Meeting of the Correspondence Group on the Strategic Plan of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity for 2018-2020 (CGSP-2) was held on 27 July 2017 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The meeting was be preceded by the 17th APT Policy and Regulatory Forum (PRF-17) to be held from 24 to 26 July 2017 at the same venue. The events was hosted by the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL).
The scope of work of Correspondence Group on the Strategic Plan of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity for 2018-2020 (CGSP) includes: to plan and coordinate the Strategic Plan of the APT for the period 2018-2020; to develop of a draft Strategic Plan 2018-2020; to finalize the draft Strategic Plan; and to report the outcomes to the 14th Session of the General Assembly of the APT (GA-14).
The 1st Meeting of the Correspondence Group on the Strategic Plan of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity for 2018-2020 (CGSP-1), held in Bangkok, Thailand, agreed the draft framework of the Strategic Plan of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity for 2018-2020 (SP2018-2020) and agreed a tentative workplan for the development of draft. The 1st draft of SP2018-2020 has already been circulated to all APT Members (Ref. APT/2017/SP-01 dated 8 May 2017). The objective of CGSP-2 is to discuss the feedback from APT Members on the 1st draft of SP2018-2020 and to consider any further inputs from the Members.