3rd Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-16 (WTSA16-3)
14 June 2016 - 17 June 2016
Kathmandu, Nepal
The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) organized the 3rd Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for ITU World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly 2016 (WTSA16-3) from 14 to 17 June 2016 in Nepal. The meeting was hosted by the Ministry of Information and Communications (MoIC), Nepal.
The objective of WTSA16-3 was to assist the APT Members to prepare for the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly 2016 (WTSA-16) which will take place in Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, from 25 October to 3 November 2016. WTSA16-3 discussed the key issues for WTSA-16 and develop candidate Preliminary APT Common Proposals (PACPs) for WTSA-16 based on the input contributions from the APT Members.
Meeting Documents
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