20th Meeting of APT Wireless Group (AWG-20)
6 September 2016 - 9 September 2016
Bangkok, Thailand
The 20th Meeting of the APT Wireless Group (AWG-20) was held from 6 to 9 September 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand. The meeting was organized by the Asia-Pacific Telcommunity (APT) and hosted by Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) of Thailand.
The APT Wireless Group (AWG) conducts the work covering various aspects of emerging wireless systems to meet the upcoming digital convergence er in the Asia-Pacific region. It is also assisting the process of providng cost effective radiocommunications solutions and facilitating the technology transfer. AWG-20 will report on the progress of its activities carried upto date.
Participation and Registration:
All APT Members, Associate Members, Affiliate Members and International/Regional Organizations can attend the meeting by registering online. Member Administrations and International/Regional Organizations are requested to send the official List of Delegations for the meeting and to nominate Head of Delegation (HoD) and Alternate HoD. If any APT Affiliate Member is included in the National Delegation, please clearly mention in the List of Delegation.
Participation of Non-Members: Non-Members can attend the meeting with “Observer” status by paying Registration Fee in consultation with the relevant Member Administration as appropriate. Non-Member participants under National Delegation are exempted from paying the Registration Fee upon submission of a letter of nomination signed by the responsible officer of the Administration. Above requirement does not apply to the host country participation. Please contact APT Secretariat for the payment methods of the Registration Fees.
Venue and Hotel Accomodation:
For the venue hotel and hotel for accomodation please refer to the Information for Participants.
Submission of Contributions:
Contributions for the meeting from APT Members, Associate Members, Affiliate Members, Regional and International Organizations are welcome. You are requested to use the proper document template for your contribution. Contributions will be posted on APT Website prior to the starting of the meeting. Last date of receipt of your contributions by APT Secretariat is 30 August 2016. To submit contributions and any information on the documentation, please contact:
Mr. Forhadul Parvez
Project Coordinator, Radiocommunication, Asia-Pacific Telecommunity
E-mail: [email protected]
Information for Participants will be made available at later stage. For any information on AWG-20, please feel free to conatct at [email protected].