4th Meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-15 (APG15-4)
9 February 2015 - 14 February 2015
Bangkok, Thailand
The 4th Meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-15 (APG15-4) was held from 09 to 14 February 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand. The meeting was organized and hosted by the APT.
The APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-15 is aiming to develop APT Common Proposals and APT Views on WRC-15 Agenda Items. The objectives of the APG15-4 Meeting are:
- Consideration of the study results of ITU-R Study Groups and Draft CPM Report
- Update preliminary views on WRC-15 Agenda Items based on members’ contributions
- Develop APT Views on the proposed modification to the Draft CPM Report
- Develop APT’s view on RA-15 related issues based on members’ contributions
- Develop the necessary procedures and appoint Agenda Item Coordinators to coordinate activities during the CPM15-2.
The APG15-4 also included an Information Session on the Future of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC): WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.14 which was held on 10th February 2015 from 18:00 to 21:00 Hours. This Information Session was a unique and important opportunity for representatives from the Asia-Pacific region to share views and the latest information from regional experts who will cover aspects of UTC and their country’s experiences in the application of the occasional use of the leap second. It is expected the Information Session would be useful for a much wider audience including representatives of telecommunication companies, internet providers, space agencies, aviation, maritime and meteorological organizations and universities in providing them with an understanding of regulatory, technical and practical aspects of keeping and disseminating standard frequency and time signals. The program of the Information Session is available here.
The complete video of the Information Session can be viewed here. The transcript of the video can be downloaded from here.