12th Asia-Pacific Telecommunication and ICT Development Forum
22 September 2015 - 24 September 2015
Macao, China
The 12th Asia-Pacific Telecommunication and ICT Development Forum (ADF-12) was held from 22 to 24 September 2015 in Macao, China. The Forum was organized by the APT and hosted by the Bureau of Telecommunications Regulation (DSRT) of Macao, China. The Forum is supported by the Extra Budgetary Contribution from Japan.
The main objectives of the ADF are:
- Focus on the telecommunications and ICT development issues for developing countries where policy makers, regulators and other relevant officials from the region come together on a common platform for a dialogue on issues of common concern with special attention on the rural areas;
- Provide an opportunity for Members to share information on the best practices and experiences for the common issues on ICT development;
- Promote sharing of expertise for addressing key issues of concern to the APT members on ICT development issues. Facilitating intra-regional collaboration on telecommunication and ICT development issues as required.
This ADF is the first since the Asia-Pacific ICT Ministerial Meeting on “Building Smart Digital Economy through ICT” was held in Brunei Darussalam in September 2014 and since the APT General Assembly adopted a new Strategic Plan for 2015-2017 in Myanmar in November 2014. With this consideration, during the period from 2015-2017, the Forum will address the ICT development needs and issues for the Asia-Pacific region identified in the APT Strategic Plan.
As for ADF-12, the Forum focused on topics that are essential and urgent issues for ICT development especially in developing countries in coming years such as facilitating investment for the establishment of ICT infrastructure; roles of government and ICT; sustainable development through improving accessibility and affordability of ICT services; and sharing best practices and experiences in these fields.