4th APT Preparatory Meeting for PP-14 (PP14-4)
18 August 2014 - 22 August 2014
Bangkok, Thailand
The 4th APT Preparatory Meeting for PP-14 (PP14-4) which will be held from 18 – 22 August 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand. The meeting will be organized and hosted by APT.
The APT preparatory Meetings for ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 (PP-14) are designed to consolidate the regional views on PP-14 Agenda Items and to prepare APT Common Proposals for the work of PP-14. Considering the schedule of PP-14, which will be held from 20 October to 07 November 2014 in Busan, Republic of Korea, the PP14-4 meeting will be the last opportunity for APT Members to contribute for the development Preliminary APT Common Proposals (PACPs) on PP-14 related issues. Further, the meeting will also discuss and finalize the coordination mechanism and arrangement for coordination meetings that will take place during PP-14.
All APT Members, Associate Members, Affiliate Members, Eligible Non-Members and International/Regional Organizations can attend the meeting by registering online. Member Administrations and International/Regional Organizations are requested to send the official List of Delegations for the meeting and to nominate Head of Delegation (HoD) and Alternate HoD. If any APT Affiliate Member is included in the National Delegation, please clearly mention in the List of Delegation.
Participation of Non-Members: Non-Members can attend the meeting with “Observer” status by paying Registration Fee of USD $250 per person. Non-Member participants under National Delegation are exempted from paying the Registration Fee upon submission of a letter of nomination signed by the responsible officer of the Administration. Please contact APT Secretariat for the payment methods of the Registration Fees.
Registration of delegates can be done online at http://www.apt.int/content/online-registration. Registration can be done on or before 17 July 2014. Please check "Participant's Information" below for detail about accomodation reservation.
Meeting Documents and Contribution Guidelines:
Contributions for the meeting from APT Members, Associate Members, Affiliate Members, regional and international organizations are welcome. You are requested to use the proper document template for your contribution.
The document template is available inside the Contribution Guideline. Please submit your contribution based on the WG structure. Please read the Contribution Guideline carefully for information regarding submission of contributions. Contributions will be posted on APT Website prior to the starting of the meeting. Last date of receipt of your contributions by APT Secretariat is 11 August 2014. For any information on the documentation, please contact:
Mr. Forhadul Parvez
Project Coordinator, Radiocommunication
Asia-Pacific Telecommunity
Phone: +66 2 573 0044 (Ext. 117)
E-mail: [email protected]
In order to facilitate efficient meeting management and document handling process, APT encourages the use of electronic documents during the meeting.