3rd APT Preparatory Meeting for WTDC-14 (WTDC14-3)

  • 23 October 2013 - 25 October 2013
  • Gold Coast, Australia

The 3rd APT Preparatory Meeting for WTDC-14 (WTDC14-3) was held  from 23 to 25 October 2013 in Gold Coast, Australia. The meeting was organized by the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity and hosted by the Department of Communications, Australian Government. 

The meetings discussed issues relevant to the WTDC-14 and prepare APT Views and Preliminary Common Proposals for the Conferences based on the contributions of the APT Members.

WTDC14-3 was followed by the 2nd APT Preparatory Meeting for PP-14 (PP14-2) from 28 to 30 October 2013 at the same venue.

Meeting Documents

Photo Gallery