SATRC Workshop on Spectrum

  • 18 December 2012 - 20 December 2012
  • New Delhi, India

The SATRC Workshop on Spectrum was held in New Delhi, India from18 to 20 December 2012. The workshop was organized by the Asia- Pacific Telecommunity and hosted by Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).

The SATRC Workshop on Spectrum is a part of the implementation of SATRC Action plan Phase IV which was adopted at the 13th SATRC meeting in 2012 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The workshop will discuss a number of issues related to spectrum management in the SATRC region. These issues include harmonized use of the UHF digital dividend band, regional requirement of spectrum for mobile broadband, cross border coordination, use of TV white spaces, sharing the information on spectrum use and some other recent topics in the area of spectrum management. It will assist the SATRC members in their human resource development in the area of spectrum management related matters. It will provide an excellent opportunity to exchange views and experiences among the SATRC member country’s regulators and operators on the issues as mentioned.

Meeting Documents