APT Policy and Regulatory Forum & Business Dialogue
14 July 2010 - 16 July 2010
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) organized the APT Policy and Regulatory Forum & Business Dialogue from 14-16 July 2010 in Yogyakarta. Both events were hosted by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MICT) of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
The APT Policy and Regulatory Forum is one of the most important regular events of APT in which high-level participant from the ministries and the regulatory authorities are expected to attend. The Forum will address key regulatory and policy issues of interest and concern to the Asia Pacific region. The Forum aims to provide APT members with an update of regulatory information and techniques, focusing on a range of topics that have been identified. It will also provide the participants with an opportunity to dialogue and share experiences on policy and regulation.
This year?s PRF was enhanced with the inclusion of a Business Dialogue targeted specially to industries where we expect a leading role to be played by our Affiliate Members. The Business Dialogue will provide a platform for candid exchange of views between regulators and industries on creating conductive regulatory environment in the region to enhance service provisioning, business operations and investments.
Meeting Documents