APT Wireless Forum (AWF-6)
30 March 2009 - 3 April 2009
Danang, Vietnam
APT workshop on Spectrum Management and Monitoring and the 6th Meeting of the APT Wireless Forum (AWF-6) were held from 30 March - 03 April 2009 in Danang, Vietnam. The events were organized by the Asia Pacific Telecommunity and hosted by the Ministry of Information and Communication, Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The workshop on Spectrum Management and Monitoring was supported by Extra-Budgetary Contribution from Republic of Korea.
The APT Wireless Forum (AWF) is working on the issues on conventional and emerging wireless technologies. In its? 6th meeting, the AWF will report and present its activities and progress in works up to the date.
The workshop discussed a number of important issues related to the spectrum management, planning and monitoring. These include but not limited to issues such as:
- What are the economic and technical objectives of spectrum management?
- Traditional approaches and recent innovation to spectrum management
- The impact of spectrum management reform
- Best practices in managing and facilitating access to spectrum
- Regulating spectrum trading and refarming at national level
- Extent of spectrum harmonization in APT's perspective
- Spectrum monitoring and compliance, monitoring data collection and technologies