The 4th Meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-19 (APG19-4)
7 January 2019 - 12 January 2019
Busan, Rep. of Korea
The 4th Meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-19 (APG19-4) was held from 7 to 12 January 2019 in Busan, Korea. The meeting was be organized by the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) and hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT), Republic of Korea.
The objectives of the 4th Meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-19 (APG19-4) were as follows:
- to review the results of the APG19-3 meeting;
- to continue developing APT preliminary views for WRC-19 Agenda items based on input contributions from APT Members;
- to consider the results of ITU-R studies and relevant information provided by AWG in relation to WRC-19 Agenda items, and take necessary actions as appropriate;
- to review the draft CPM Report and develop APT Views on proposed modification(s) to draft CPM Report, as appropriate, for submission to CPM19-2;
- to develop Preliminary APT Common Proposals (PACPs), if any, for initial consideration;
- to review the activities of other regional organisations, in particular, their preliminary views/position with a view to fostering inter-regional cooperation;
- to continue the review of issues related to RA-19 activities and develop harmonised APT Views;
- to consider any possible action(s) that arise from the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2018 (PP-18) in relation to the radiocommunication sector;
- to review, if necessary, the Working Methods of APG in relation to mechanism in coordinating APT activities during CPM19-2, RA-19 and WRC-19.
Following are the outcomes of APG19-4:
- Updated APT preliminary views on WRC-19 Agenda Items and issues associated with WRC-19 Agenda items;
- APT Views on proposed modification(s) to draft CPM Report, as appropriate, for submission to CPM19-2;
- Mechanism for coordinating APT activities during CPM19-2;
- Provisional objectives and expected outcomes of APG19-5.
The Outcomes are available in APG webpages
Meeting Documents
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