
Meeting Date Meeting Venue
6 November 2023 -
7 November 2023
The 16th Session of the General Assembly of the APT (GA-16) Bangkok, Thailand
3 December 2020 -
5 December 2020
The 15th Session of the General Assembly of the APT (GA-15) Bangkok/Virtual Meeting
15 November 2017 -
17 November 2017
The 14th Session of the General Assembly of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (GA-14) Bangkok, Thailand
25 November 2014 -
26 November 2014
The 13th Session of the General Assembly of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Yangon, Myanmar
16 November 2011 -
18 November 2011
The 12th Session of the General Assembly of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Jeju, Rep. of Korea
11 December 2008 -
18 December 2008
The 11th Session of the General Assembly and the 32nd Session of the APT Management Committee Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
30 November 2005 -
8 December 2005
The 10th Session of the General Assembly and the 29th Session of the Management Committee of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Islamabad, Pakistan