The 2nd Meeting of the APG for WRC-23 (APG23-2)
19 April 2021 - 23 April 2021
Virtual/online meeting
The 2nd Meeting of the APG for WRC-23 (APG23-2) was held from 19 to 23 April 2021 as a virtual/online meeting. The objectives of the APG23-2 were as follows:
- review of the working methods of APG for necessary amendments;
- nomination for the Chairmen of Drafting Groups on individual WRC-23 agenda items;
- consideration of the study progress in ITU-R Study Groups;
- review of the preparation of ITU and other regional organizations for WRC-23; and
- discussion and adoption of the APT Preliminary Views on WRC-23 agenda items and issues related to RA-23.
APG23-2 was attended by 630 participants from 25 Members, 1 Associate Members, 27 Affiliate Members, 6 International/regional Organizations and 2 Observers. As an important task APG23-2 established various Drafting Groups on WRC-23 Agenda Items and nominated the chairmen of the Drafting Group. 53 contributions were received from APT Members on the preliminary views on WRC-23 Agenda Items and on other issues. The meeting considered the current status of on-going studies at ITU-R on Agenda Items and the input from APT Members on those studies. Information document on each Agenda Items was prepared and presented by the Chairmen of the respective Drafting Groups. Based on the discussion and consensus reached, APG23-2 adopted APT Preliminary views on most of the Agenda Items. Those APT Preliminary Views has been made publicly available at APT website.