The 25th APT Standardization Program Forum (ASTAP-25)
2 March 2015 - 6 March 2015
Bangkok, Thailand
The 25th APT Standardization Program Forum (ASTAP-25) was held from 02 to 06 March 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand. It was followed by the 1st Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-16 (WTSA16-1) which was held on 07 March 2015 at the same venue. The events were organized and hosted by the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity.
The objective of the ASTAP-25 is to promote, coordinate and harmonize telecommunication standardization activities across the Asia Pacific region through regional cooperation. The experts from APT members on telecommunication/ICT standardization met to enhance the level of expertise on the subject matter and expand cooperation activities through practical contributions and solutions on the subject issues in this region. The forum continued to promote standardization activities on a wide range of telecommunication/ICT works in the region. Further, ASTAP-25 also included the 6th Industry Workshop focusing on the two topics of "Smart City and Smart Energy Management" and "Cybersecurity".