SATRC Workshop on Policy, Regulation and Services
30 July 2013 - 1 August 2013
Kathmandu, Nepal
The SATRC Workshop on Policy, Regulation and Services was held in Nagarkot, Kathmandu, Nepal from 30th July to 01st August 2013. The workshop was organized by the Asia- Pacific Telecommunity and hosted by Ministry of Information and Communication and Nepal Telecommunication Authority. The workshop was e supported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication of Japan through extra budgetary contribution to SATRC activities.
The SATRC Workshop on Policy, Regulation and Services was part of the implementation of SATRC Action Plan Phase IV which was adopted at the 13th SATRC meeting in 2012 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The workshop discussed on a number of issues related to the telecommunication policy, regulation and services. Some of the topics discussed includes; strategies for migration to IPv6, rationalization of taxation in telecom sector, developing sustainable broadband network, promoting applications and services for broadband, provisioning of mobile value added services and other related topics. We hope the Workshop assisted the SATRC members in their human resource development in the area of policy, regulation and services and also provided an excellent opportunity to exchange views and experiences among the SATRC member country’s regulators and operators on the issues as mentioned.