18th Meeting of the South Asian Telecommunication Regulators’ Council (SATRC-18)
19 December 2017 - 21 December 2017
Kathmandu, Nepal
The 18th Meeting of the South Asian Telecommunications Regulators’ Council (SATRC-18) was held from 19 to 21 December, 2017 in Kathmandu, Nepal. It will be hosted by Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA).
The SATRC meetings are a held annually and attended by the head of telecommunication regulatory authorities in the South Asia region, senior officials of the Ministries and Departments, as well as senior officials /representatives of the industry. The SATRC meets annually to discuss the key policy and regulatory issues of concern to the SATRC members.
The SATRC-18 includs Regulator’s Roundtable, Industry-Regulator dialogue and Industry Session. At the Regulators’ Roundtable, the heads of the regulators will exchange opinion and share experiences on regulatory challenges and discuss the possible way forward. Regulators will also identify the possible areas of cooperation in South Asia through SATRC. The Industry-Regulator Dialog will facilitate the exchange of opinions among Industry and Regulators on the challenging issues of regulations and ways to overcome the challenges collectively and facilitate the business environment. The Industry Session will give opportunity for the industry to raise their views and concerns on the current and future regulatory trends and their expectations from the regulators.