7th APT Workshop on Disaster Management/Communications (WDMC-7)

  • 27 April 2016 - 29 April 2016
  • Bangkok, Thailand


The 7th APT Workshop on Disaster Management/Communications (WDMC-7) was held from 27 to 29 April 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand. The Workshop was organised by the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) and hosted by the Ministry of Information and Communication TechnologyThailandand supported by the Extra Budgetary Contributions from Australia and Japan.

The objective of the Workshop was to assist members in improving disaster preparedness, early warning systems, and rescue and recovery efforts with the use of ICT. The WDMC-7 will focus on topics including (1) Lessons Learned and Experiences in Disaster Management; (2) Legislative and Strategic Models for the Use of ICT in Disaster Management; (3) Trends in Disaster Management Technology and Services; (4) Data Collection and Early Warning Systems in Disaster Management; (5) International Collaboration in Disaster Management; and (6) Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Management/Communications.

Meeting Documents

Photo Gallery of WDMC-7

Photo Gallery of APT Training Course on ICT Emergency Management for Government