September 2021 |
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Recent Events |
The 18th APT Telecommunication/ICT Forum (ADF-18) 24 - 26 August 2021, Virtual Meeting The 18th APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-18) was held from 24 to 26 August 2021 as a virtual meeting. The forum was successfully held with a total of 198 participants, more than twice the number of the previous year, from APT Members, Associate Member, Affiliate Members, International Organization, and other organizations. The forum appointed Mr. Nakajima Mutsuharu from Japan as a new Vice-Chairman of ADF for the next two- year term. ADF-18 focused on introducing various policy effort, available technologies and services to close the digital gap in the Asia-Pacific region, and presenting recent technological developments ranging from 5G, Low Earth Orbit satellite communication, Wi-Fi, and IoT. In addition, the outcomes and achievements of various ICT pilot projects implemented by APT Members were shared at the forum. These included 7 pilot projects supported by the Extra-Budgetary Contribution (EBC) from Japan (EBC-J), and 2 projects supported by EBC from the Republic of Korea (EBC-K). Also, 3 projects supported by EBC from People’s Republic of China (EBC-C), which were launched in 2021, were introduced for the first time at this ADF.
Click here for more details. |
APT Web Dialogue “Spectrum
Management: Interactive panel discussion on key issues on allocation and
licensing of spectrum This web dialogue, the 4th episode and the last in the Spectrum Management series, was a multi-sided discussion addressing some concerns by the policy makers, regulators and industry on those key issues, challenges associated with the issues as well as attempt to focus on exemplar approaches. The web dialogue served as a successful platform for active sharing of useful information, views and experiences. The panelists included representatives from the government and private sectors, namely:
SATRC Workshop on Policy, Regulation and Services 31 August - 1 September 2021, Virtual Meeting This workshop is a part of the implementation of the SATRC Action Plan Phase VII, which was approved by the 19th SATRC meeting held in 2018. The workshop looked into various policy and regulatory aspects, platform and enablers to provide connectivity for all. Active discussions were made on current regulatory measures and policy recommendations in SATRC Member countries to ensure QoS of mobile operators; current practices of providing DFS and identified the bottle neck issues for providing the service and how to address the issues; and current states of ICT indicators in SATRC Member countries. There was also exchange ideas and opinions to develop common ICT indicators in the region.
Click here for more details. |
Upcoming Events |
Dialogue “Machine Learning and Deep Learning – 16 September 2021, 10:00-11:30 hrs. (Bangkok Time)
Machine Leaning and Deep learning is an intelligent way for machine to learning things to simulate the behavior of the human-like intelligence. This dialogue will include topics such as AI, Major AI Learning and developing machine learning applications related to business application etc. |
Meeting of the South Asian Telecommunication 20 September 2021, Virtual/Online Meeting The Meeting of the SATRC Working Group on Spectrum is a part of the activities of SATRC Action Plan Phase VII which was adopted by the SATRC-19. The objective of the meeting is to conduct the Working Group activities on the Work Items assigned by the Council. This meeting will be the third meeting of this Working Group under SATRC Action Plan Phase VII and is expected to finalize the Reports on the Work Items assigned to the Working Group.
The 14th APT Policy and Regulation Forum for Pacific (PRFP-14) 21 - 23 September 2021, Virtual/Online Meeting PRFP provides a platform for members in the Pacific to share and exchange valuable views and experiences on issues of common concerns in order to achieve a more harmonized ICT environment in the region. PRFP-14 will continue to address various topics in line with the common interests and issues in the Pacific region such as Connectivity, Innovation, Trust and Safety which are also strategic pillars of the APT Strategic Plan from 2021 to 2023. It will have the Roundtable for Ministers, Head of Regulators or high-level officials to share their experiences and exchange views on the latest updates of policy and regulatory issues including digital transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Forum will also cover topics such as connectivity, cybersecurity, OTT and social media platforms, Disaster Management in the Pacific. |
APT Web Dialogue “Unsolicited Commercial Communications-Challenges and Strategies (policy02)” 24 September 2021, 13:30-15:00 hrs. (Bangkok Time)
Dr. Archana Goyal Gulati, Telecom/ICT expert, Former Senior Deputy Director General, Department of Telecommunications, India, will introduce the current global situation, trends and provide the insightful strategies on this issue. |
SATRC Workshop on Recent Trends and Technologies 27 - 28 September 2021, Virtual/Online Meeting This SATRC Workshop is a part of the implementation of SATRC Action Plan Phase VII for 2019–2020, which was approved by the 19th Meeting of the SATRC held in Islamabad, Pakistan in 2018 and was extended to 2021 for implementation at the SATRC-21 held on 27-28 October 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The workshop will focus on recent trends and technologies for providing connectivity and encouraging innovation. |
Meeting of the South Asian Telecommunication Regulators’ Council (SATRC) Working Group on Policy, Regulation and Services 29 September 2021, Virtual/Online Meeting The Meeting of the SATRC Working Group on Policy, Regulation and Services is a part of the activities of SATRC Action Plan Phase VII which was adopted by the SATRC-19. The objective of the meeting is to conduct the Working Group activities on the Work Items assigned by the Council. This meeting will be the third meeting of this Working Group under SATRC Action Plan Phase VII and is expected to finalize the Reports on the Work Items assigned to the Working Group. |
The 3rd Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group 5 - 8 October 2021, Virtual/Online Meeting APT WTDC21-3 is expected to consider the input contributions from APT members; review outcomes of RPM-ASP; review outcomes of the views of other regional organizations; review outcomes of TDAG and Council 2021; and develop Preliminary APT Common Proposals for WTDC-21. |
The 9th Meeting of the Working Group of 20 - 21 October 2021, Virtual/Online Meeting WGMC-9 will review and discuss the tasks assigned by MC-44, i.e., Guidelines on Public Access to APT documents, use of terminology reflecting gender neutrality in APT documents and needs on collaboration or to conclude Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with other international/ regional organization |
The 22nd Meeting of the South Asian Telecommunication 1 - 3 November 2021, Virtual/Online Meeting SATRC-22 will discuss the key policy and regulatory issues in SATRC Member countries, approve the outcomes of SATRC Action Plan Phase VII and discuss and adopt SATRC Action Plan Phase VIII. The meeting will also include special sessions such as Regulators’ Roundtable and Regulator-Industry Dialogue to facilitate the development of the telecommunications and ICT sector in South Asia region. The Regulators’ Roundtable will be held exclusively for the head of regulators to discuss and share thoughts on important regulatory issues that need regional collaboration among SATRC Members. Regulator-Industry Dialogue will provide unique opportunity to exchange opinions among regulators and industry on the issues of common interests. |
The 3rd Meeting of the APT Conference 8 - 13 November 2021, Virtual/Online Meeting The objectives of the APG23-3 are to review the results of the APG23-2 meeting; update APT preliminary views on WRC-23 Agenda Items based on input contributions from APT Members; consider the progress in ITU-R Study Groups in relation to WRC-23 Agenda items and take necessary actions as appropriate; review the activities of other regional organisations, in particular, their preliminary views/positions with a view to fostering inter-regional cooperation. APG23-2 will also review issues related to RA-23 and develop preliminary views of APT, if any; contribute, where necessary, to the activities of APT Preparatory Group related to PP-22 with respect to the issues relevant to the purview of the APG; finalize review of the Working Methods of APG in relation to preparation for RA-23 and WRC-23 and submit draft amendments accordingly to the APT Management Committee; and discuss APT preparations for the ITU Inter-regional Workshop on WRC-23 Preparations. |
Extraordinary Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group 17 - 19 November 2021, Virtual/Online Meeting The main objectives of the meeting are to review the status of APT Members’ endorsement to the Preliminary APT Common Proposals (PACPs); review the ITU Preparation and outcomes of TSAG meeting; review the outcomes of the preparatory process of other regional organizations; review the proposals to WTSA-20 by other regions and develop possible APT Positions as appropriate; finalize the nomination of Office Bearers for WTSA-20; and develop necessary procedures and APT coordination arrangements during WTSA-20. |
Quick Links to APT Work Programmes and Activities