APT Newsletter Asia-Pacific
Telecommunity |
September 2020 |
Recent Events |
On 25 August
2020, the Cabinet of Thailand officially approved to extend the duration of
enforcement of the Declaration on an Emergency Situations in all areas of the
Kingdom of Thailand for another month, from
1 to 30 September 2020. At present, COVID-19 situation remains
serious in several continents across the world, while Thai citizens living
abroad have continually repatriated. Coupling with the Government’s decision
to ease lockdown of high-risk activities and businesses to mitigate people’s
plights and economic impact, it is still necessary for concerned officials to
strictly implement both response and preventive measures in a unified manner
to efficiently control the situation. Besides, the Emergency Decree would
help the country and people in preparing for the transition to the New
Normal. The intention of this extension is not to
prohibit or limit any activities but to facilitate
the operations of relevant state officials in order to
handle the COVID-19 situation with greater efficiency. The enforcement will
remain for a certain period until there are other effective mechanisms to
replace the declaration. As of the publication date, no staff member
of APT Secretariat has caught the COVID-19. |
The 2nd Meeting of the Correspondence Group
for the Strategic Plan of the APT for 2021-2023 (CGSP-2) 6-7 August 2020 The 2nd Meeting of the
Correspondence Group for the Strategic Plan of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity for 2021-2023 (CGSP-2) was held from 6 to 7
August 2020 as a virtual meeting. The meeting was attended by 67 participants
from APT Members and APT Secretariat. The
CGSP-2 had extensively discussed the feedback from APT members on the first
draft of the Strategic Plan of the APT for 2021-2023, which had been
circulated to the members for their review one month prior to the meeting.
The meeting concluded on the second draft of the Strategic Plan to be
circulated to APT members for comment. The
CGSP-2 agreed that the 3rd Meeting of the CGSP (CGSP-3) would be organized if
there would be substantive feedbacks on the second draft of the Strategic
Plan. In case no substantive change is proposed, CGSP-3 would be cancelled.
Then, the second draft of the Strategic Plan would be converted to the final draft
of the Strategic Plan of the APT for 2021-2023 to be circulated to APT
Members and Associate Members in order to prepare
for internal procedure. The final draft of the Strategic Plan will be
finalized at the Preparatory Meeting for the 15th Session of the General
Assembly of the APT (GA-15) and submitted to the GA-15 for consideration and adoption.
addition, on the question on the possibility to revise the Terms of Reference
(TOR) of the CGSP to include the position of the Vice-Chairman of the CGSP, the
Secretary General informed that she had consulted the Chairman and
Vice-Chairmen of the Management Committee of the APT (MC). The MC Chairman
suggested that the revised TOR and the appointment of the Vice-Chairman of
the CGSP should be consulted with APT Members to seek an agreement. In this
regard, the CGSP-2 agreed to revise the TOR of CGSP, which would be consulted
with APT Members together with the appointment of MS. Phavanhna
Douangboupha from Lao PDR as the
Vice-Chairman of CGSP. |
The 8th Meeting of the Working
Group of Management Committee on APT Legal Instruments (WGMC-8) 10-11
August 2020 The virtual meeting for the 8th Meeting of the Working
Group of Management Committee on APT Legal Instruments (WGMC-8) was held from
10 to 11 August 2020. The meeting was attended by 46 participants from 14 APT
Members and the APT Secretariat. WGMC-8 reviewed and discussed issues related to
Retirement Age, Affiliate Membership Guidelines Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) between the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity and
other Organizations, Guidelines on Public Access to APT documents, Guidelines
for Remote Participation to the APT Meetings and Unit Cost of Contribution.
Outcomes of proposed revision to the GA Resolutions and proposed revision to
the Guidelines will be submitted to the GA-15 and MC-44 respectively for
consideration. |
APT joined the celebration of Girls in ICT Day in Thailand 17 August 2020 The celebration of the Girls in ICT Day in Thailand was
originally planned to be on 23-24 April 2020 at the United Nations building
in Bangkok. The event would be organized by the Ministry of Digital
Economy and Society (MDES), the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications
Committee (NBTC), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), United Nations
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
(UNESCO), Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT), Food
and Agriculture Organization (FAO), DTAC, Cisco Systems and CCKDM (Research Center of
Communication and Development Knowledge Management, Sukhothai Thammathirat
Open University - STOU). However, the celebration had been postponed
and was finally changed to be held virtually throughout the month of August
and September due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On 17 August 2020, the Plenary and Launching
Ceremony was held virtually via Cisco Webex
platform. As the first activity, this ceremony also introduced the four programmes that would take place throughout the Girls in
ICT Day Thailand programme in August and September
including the leadership programme, training on Artificial Intelligence, training on Cybersecurity and training
on Smart Farming. During this occasion, APT and MDES jointly
organized the Leadership Programme where 4 “Prominent
Women Leaders”, namely Ms. Ajarin Pattanapanchai, Permanent Secretary, MDES;
Assist. Prof. Dr. Siriluk Chumchean,
Managing Director, Panya Consultants Co., Ltd.; Dr.
Supatida Prompayuck, CEO,
The S-Curve company; and Ms. Sirinut Chimplee, Sirinut Betta Farm,
shared their inspiring experiences and thoughts on
the ICT and STEM education and career paths. Ms.
Areewan Haorangsi, Secretary General of APT, moderated this programme. International Girls in ICT Day is celebrated
worldwide every year on the fourth Thursday of April, which is an opportunity
for girls and young women to see and experience technology in a whole new
light. Over 377,000 girls and young women have taken part in more than 11,400
celebrations of International Girls in ICT Day in 171 countries worldwide
since 2011.
From left:
Ms. Areewan Haorangsi, Secretary General of APT; Ms. Sirinut
Chimplee, Owner, Sirinut
Betta Farm; Ms. Ajarin Pattanapanchai,
Permanent Secretary, MDES Thailand; Assist. Prof. Dr. Siriluk
Chumchean, Managing Director, Panya
Consultants Co., Ltd.; and Dr. Supatida Prompayuck, CEO, The S-Curve company
Virtual Interim Meeting of Working Groups of the APT
WTSA-20 (APT WTSA20-WGS-IM-2) 18-21 August 2020 Virtual
Interim Meeting of Working Groups of the APT WTSA-20 (APT WTSA20-WGS-IM-2)
was held from 18 to 21 August 2020. The meeting was attended by 169
participants. Working
Group 2 of APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-20 reviewed and discussed on 4
temporary documents developed at the 3rd Preparatory Meeting of APT WTSA20
(APT WTSA20-3) and Working Group 3 of APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-20
reviewed and discussed on reviewed and discussed on 11 temporary documents
developed at APT WTSA20-3 and 5 input documents submitted by drafting group chairs. The next Virtual
Interim Meeting of Working Groups of the APT WTSA-20 is being planned in
October 2020. |
The 17th APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum
(ADF-17) 27-28 August 2020 The 17th APT
Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-17) was held from 27 to 28
August 2020 as a virtual meeting. A
total of 121 participants from APT Members, Associate Member, Affiliate
Members, International Organization, other organizations, and APT Secretariat
attended the meeting. The forum
nominated Ms. Tepua Hunter from Cook Islands as a
new Chairman of ADF and Mr. Nishimura Suguru as a
Vice-Chairman of ADF for the next two years term. Since the
meeting was changed from physical meeting to virtual meeting, the forum also
discussed the revised Working Methods of ADF to include the online meeting
opportunity. Due to the
unprecedented challenges of COVID-19 pandemic, the ADF-17 was arranged
concisely and focused on sharing of the outcomes and achievements of the projects undertaken via
Extra-Budgetary Contributions (EBCs) from Japan and Republic of Korea (EBC-J
and EBC-K). It also introduced a new scheme for ICT project supported by EBC
from China (EBC-C). The forum
also had an experience sharing session by project expert providing
applicant’s perspective in how to prepare a quality proposal for ICT
development project, key considerations in preparation of the project and
some advices in implementing APT projects successfully. |
Upcoming Events |
The 26th Meeting of the APT Wireless Group
(AWG-26) The 26th Meeting of the APT Wireless Group (AWG-26) will be
organized virtually by using Zoom Meeting platform. Detail information on
Zoom Meeting Platform is provided in the Information for Participants. Particular information to access the virtual meeting will
be sent directly to registered participants in due course. Participation: All APT Members, Associate Members, Affiliate Members,
International/Regional Organizations, and Eligible Non-Members can attend the
meetings by registering online through the APT Website. Only registered
participants are entitled to join the meeting. For Members, Associate Members and International/Regional Organizations, it is
kindly requested to send the official list of members in your delegation. Registration: Registration of delegates is mandatory and can only be done at
the link provided below. Preferred date to receive your registration by APT
Secretariat is 28 August 2020 for making necessary arrangements. Submission of Contributions: Contributions from APT Members, Associate
Members, Affiliate Members, Regional and International Organizations are
welcome. You are requested to use the proper document template for your
contribution Document template is available below. Contributions will be
posted prior to the starting of the meeting. Last date of receipt of your
contributions by APT Secretariat is 7 September 2020. To submit
contributions and any information on the documentation, please contact to [email protected]. Click here
for more details. |
The 1st Meeting of the APT Conference
Preparatory Group for World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (APG23-1) APT will organize a virtual meeting for the 1st Meeting of the
APT Conference Preparatory Group for World Radiocommunication Conference 2023
(APG23-1) from 24 to 25 September 2020. The objective of the APG23-1 is to
initiate the preparatory process of the APT for the World Radiocommunication
Conference 2023 (WRC-23) and Radiocommunication Assembly 2023 (RA-23). The
APG23-1 is expected to: ·
Elect the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the
preparatory group; ·
Form the structure of the preparatory group; ·
Nominate other Office Bearers of the
preparatory group based on the structure; ·
Develop a tentative work plan for the
preparation of RA-23 and WRC-23 APG23-1 will be organized by using Zoom Meeting platform. Click here
for more details. |
The 13th APT Policy and Regulation Forum for
Pacific (PRFP-13) APT will organize the 13th APT Policy and Regulation Forum for
Pacific (PRFP-13) from 29 to 30 September 2020. Given the COVID-19 pandemic
situation in the Asia-Pacific, APT Secretariat in consultation with the
Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Management Committee of the APT considered
the necessity that PRFP-13 will be organized virtually. The PRFP-13 will continue to address
various topics in line with the Strategic Plan of the APT for 2018-2020
especially Connectivity, Innovation, and Trust Pillars. It will include
Roundtable of high-level policy makers and regulators to share experience and
exchange views on latest updates of policy and regulatory issues in the
Pacific including lessons learned from the COVID-19 outbreak. The Forum will
cover issues such as Connectivity in the Pacific, Managing Disaster and
Climate Change in the Pacific, and Outcome of World Radiocommunication
Conference 2019 (WRC-19) and impacts on the Pacific. Click here
for more details. |
Calendar of APT Events for the year 2020 (as of 4 September
List of APT Training Courses for 2020 (updated
10 September 2020)