November 2022 |
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Recent Events: · The 10th Meeting of the Working Group of MC on APT Legal Instruments (WGMC-10) · The 23rd Meeting of South Asian Telecommunication Regulators’ Council (SATRC-23) · The 19th APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-19) · Seminar on Progress in APT for the year 2022 (SPA-2022) · The 46th Session of the Management Committee of the APT (MC-46) · The 5th Meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-23 (APG23-5)
Recent Events |
26 September -14 October 2022, Bucharest, Romania
APT Members and APT Secretariat attended the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 (PP-22) held from 26 September -14 October 2022 in Bucharest, Romania. The conference brought together over 3,000 delegates, including government ministers or officials from 183 of ITU's 193 Member States, as well as international and regional organizations, academia, and private-sector representatives. Member States elected five top officials of the ITU including Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General, and Director of the three Bureaus of the ITU for the next 4 years term. Mr. Seizo Onoe from APT region was elected as Director of ITU’s Telecommunication Standardization Bureau.
APT held eight (8) APT Coordination Meetings during PP-22. The objectives of the APT Coordination meetings were to ensure that the APT Common Proposals (ACPs) to the PP are presented timely and effectively. To facilitate smooth and timely communication among APT members prior to and during PP-22, APT Secretariat launched communication channels over WhatsApp mobile application in addition to email reflectors. The focal points of ACPs actively participated in the discussion of relevant Committees and other meetings during PP-22 and reported on progress of discussion relevant to ACPs at APT Coordination Meetings. APT Secretariat also coordinated the nomination of office bearers of Council Working Groups and Council Expert Groups from APT region.
APT submitted 23 ACPs to PP-22 and majority of the ACPs were accepted in principle. APT Members took important roles during the Conference including Chair and Vice-Chairs of Committees, Chairs of Ad-Hoc Groups and Chair of Information Consultation Groups.
Mr. Masanori Kondo, Secretary General of APT and Ms. Caroline Greenway, Chair of APT Preparatory Group for PP-22, as regional coordinators for Asia-Pacific region were recognized with certificates of appreciation for their hard work in leading preparations for the Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-22).
PP-22 adopted the ITU’s strategic and budget plans for 2024-2027, and the Final Acts which is the collection of all the resolutions adopted at the PP-22 was signed by157 Members on the last day of the conference.
During PP-22, Mr. Masanori Kondo, Secretary General of APT, had meetings with high-level officials of APT Members to discuss issues of interest as well as ways to enhance coordination and collaboration.
Group Photo with ITU Elected Officials
The 10th Meeting of the Working Group of Management Committee 7 - 8 November 2022, Virtual/Online Meeting
The 10th Meeting of the Working Group of Management Committee on APT Legal Instruments (WGMC-10) held on 7-8 November 2022 as a virtual/online meeting was attended by 45 participants from APT members and Secretariat.
WGMC-10 reviewed and discussed proposal on revision to the Financial Regulations of the APT to set basis on selection of external auditor and facilitate the selection process. WGMC-10 also agreed on proposal to revise the Terms of Reference of the Working Group of Management Committee on APT Legal Instruments (WGMC) to implement gender-neutral language.
In addition, WGMC-10 reviewed revision to "Guidelines on Representation of the APT in other Regions' Preparatory Meetings" and Memorandum of Understanding between the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity and other Organizations” which APT Secretariat would submit to the upcoming 46th Meeting of the Management Committee of the APT (MC-46) for consideration. The meeting also exchanged views on the proposal to develop Code of Conduct of APT.
In addition, WGMC-10 reviewed other matters proposed by Member on Code of Conduct and revision to "Guidelines on Representation of the APT in other Regions' Preparatory Meetings" and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the APT and other Organizations which APT Secretariat would submit to the upcoming 46th Meeting of the Management Committee of the APT (MC-46) for consideration.
Upcoming Events |
The 23rd Meeting of South Asian
Telecommunication 14 - 16 November 2022, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran (Hybrid Meeting)
SATRC-23 will be hosted by Communication Regulatory Authority (CRA) of Islamic Republic of Iran.
The meeting will consist of Regulators’ Roundtable, Regulator-Industry Dialogue, Business Dialogue: and Sharing Best Practices and Regulatory Experiences
The 19th APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-19) 22 - 24 November 2022, Virtual/Online Meeting
The ADF-19 will serve as a platform to share the current status, outcomes, and achievements of the various ICT Projects implemented through collaboration between APT Members and experts from People’s Republic of China, Japan, and Republic of Korea funded by the Extra-Budgetary Contributions (EBCs).
Seminar on Progress in APT for the year 2022 (SPA-2022) 12 December 2022, Bangkok, Thailand (Hybrid Meeting)
will be held in conjunction with the 46th Session of the Management Committee
of the APT
The 46th Session of the Management Committee of the APT (MC-46) 13 – 16 December 2022, Bangkok, Thailand (Hybrid Meeting)
will review the activities in 2022 and consider and approve the Work
Upcoming Events in 2023 |
31 January - 2 February 2023, New Delhi, India
The objective of this workshop is to share insights, experiences, best practices as well as engage in dialogue to identify the challenges, opportunities and possible way forward on the work items under the SATRC Working Group on Spectrum for SAP-VIII in order to have better understanding on those issues. It will
also provide an opportunity for the SATRC Members as well as industry to
share their
The 5th Meeting of the APT Conference
Preparatory Group 20 - 25 February 2023, Busan. Republic of Korea (Hybrid Meeting)
will be held with physical attendance as well as virtual/online participation
through Zoom
1. review the results of APG23-4 and any Intersessional Working Party meetings 2. update APT preliminary views on WRC-23 Agenda Items based on input contributions from APT Members 3. consider the progress in ITU-R Study Groups in relation to WRC-23 Agenda items, and take necessary actions as appropriate 4. to review the draft CPM Report and develop APT Views on proposed modification(s) to the draft CPM Report, as appropriate, for submission to CPM23-2; 5.
review the activities of other regional organisations, in
particular their preliminary views/positions on WRC-23 with a view to
fostering interregional 6. review issues related to RA-23 and develop APT Views, if any 7. consider any possible action(s) that arise from the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 (PP-22) in relation to the radiocommunication sector.
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