May 2022 |
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APT Web Dialogue “Spectrum Management Series Exploring the Insights of Stakeholders and Regional Approaches towards 6GHz Band in Asia-Pacific” (SM02-02), 11 April 2022
The APT Web Dialogue, “Spectrum Management Series: Exploring the Insights of Stakeholders and Regional Approaches towards 6GHz Band in Asia-Pacific” held on 11 April 2022 was attended by 127 participants from APT Members, and Affiliate Members.
The speakers for this episode included: · Mr. Christopher Worley, Manager, Spectrum Planning, Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), Australia · Mrs. Zhang Hong Radio Regulation Bureau, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), People’s Republic of China · Prof. Ilkyu Lee (Republic of Korea), Chairman, 6GHz Unlicensed Device Radio Technical Criteria Task Group, Republic of Korea · Mr. Yi Shen Chan, Director, Spectrum (Asia-Pacific), GSMA · Mr. Alex Roytblat, Vice President, Worldwide Regulatory Affairs, Wi-Fi Alliance · Mr. Scott W Minehane, Managing Director, Windsor Place Consulting
The speakers shared experiences and views on several aspects on the topics of exploring situation and the global proposals for the 6GHz band, key drivers of global IMT spectrum demand, possible approach to the 6GHz band for Asia-Pacific and alternative approaches. The web dialogue concluded with the Q&A session which was actively engaged by the participants.
Click here for more details.
The 34th APT Standardization Program Forum (ASTAP-34) 18 - 22 April 2022, Virtual/Online Meeting
The 34th APT Standardization Program Forum (ASTAP-34) was held virtually from 18 to 22 April 2022. The meeting was attended by 236 participants from APT Members, Affiliate Members, International Organizations, and other organizations.
On the first day, 18 April 2022, ASTAP-34 organized with the Industry Workshop on ‘Blockchain’ and Standardization Workshop on ‘Guidelines on setting up National ICT Standardization Regime’ which was attended by 130 participants. The workshop conducted three sessions on Blockchain technology and standardization, Blockchain industry and application, and Guidelines on setting up National ICT Standardization Regime which included thirteen presentations from China, India, Japan, Rep. of Korea, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
The ASTAP-34 finalized 1 new APT Report, 1 revised APT Report, and 4 Liaison Statement to ITU-T Study Group and Focus Groups and AWG. The meeting also revised the Work Plan and Terms of Reference of three Working Groups of ASTAP.
The meeting agreed to hold the ASTAP Management team meeting online before the ASTAP-35 to discuss the work plan and future of works for ASTAP. The next meeting for ASTAP-35 will be held next year physically and will organize one day Industry Workshop before the ASTAP-35 meeting. The EG BSG will also organize a workshop for standardization during the EG BSG session inviting APT Members to share their challenges and requirements for the ICT standardization in their countries.
Click here for more details.
Extraordinary Meeting for WTDC-21 (WTDC-e) 21 April 2022, Virtual/Online Meeting
The Extraordinary Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTDC-21 (APT WTDC21-e) was held virtually on 21 April 2022. The meeting was attended by 114 participants representing Members, Affiliate Members, International/Regional Organizations, and other organizations.
The meeting was successful in fulfilling its objective to discuss about coordination arrangements among APT members, in addition to exchanging information among ITU and other RTOs relevant to upcoming WTDC-21 in Kigali, Rwanda.
Chair-designate of WTDC-21, Her Excellency Ms. Paula Ingabire, Minister of Information Communication Technology and Innovation, Rwanda also attended the meeting virtually. The Minister kindly extended her welcome on behalf of the Government of Rwanda to all the delegates participating physically and assured full support in ensuring successful WTDC-21 event.
As part of the preparatory process, the meeting also reviewed all the proposals discussed during the third Inter-Regional Meeting (IRM-3) held in Geneva, Switzerland from 10 – 11 March 2022. In addition, the meeting discussed guidelines on how to conduct the APT Coordination Meeting during the WTDC-21 as well as the responsibilities of leading/assisting countries of APT Common Proposals (ACP) and other delegates/focal points. In total APT’s contribution to the WTDC-21 includes 19 APT Common Proposals (ACP).
The WTDC-21 will be held in Kigali, Rwanda from 6 to 16 June 2022 and the first APT Coordination meeting on WTDC-21 will be held on 5 June 2022 in Kigali, Rwanda.
Click here for more details.
Upcoming Events |
The 3rd Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for PP-22 (APT PP22-3) 9 - 12 May 2022, Tokyo, Japan (Hybrid Meeting)
APT PP22-3 will be held from 9 to 12 May 2022 in Tokyo, Japan with physical attendance as well as virtual/online participation through APT Zoom meeting (i.e. hybrid meeting). The meeting will be hosted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), Japan.
APT PP22-3 will continue the discussion on the issues of interests addressed by APT Members for ITU Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-22) and is expected to develop Preliminary APT Common Proposals for PP-22 to the extent possible.
APT Web Dialogue: Expanding Wireless Access Opportunity (EWAO) Series “WiFi 6E Overview and Use Cases” (ewao01-01) 19 May 2022, 10:00-11:30 hrs. (Bangkok Time)
The Meeting of the SATRC Working Group on Policy, 25 - 26 May 2022, Dhaka, Bangladesh
The Meeting will be hosted by Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC).
The Meeting of SATRC Working Group on Policy, Regulation and Services is a part of the activities of SATRC Action Plan Phase VIII (SAP-VIII) which was adopted by the 22nd Meeting of SATRC (SATRC-22) held virtually in 2021. It will be the first meeting of the Working Group under SATRC Action Plan Phase VIII and it is expected to discuss the Work Items assigned to the Working Group by the Council.
APT Web Dialogue: EWAO Series 2 June 2022, 10:00-11:30 hrs. (Bangkok Time)
This episode will explain how 5G mobile networks and Wi-Fi will work together to support a wide range of compelling new applications and services. For example, an individual on the move might use a very low power Wi-Fi 6E to connect an augmented reality or virtual reality headset to a 5G smartphone to access immersive entertainment, educational, e-Health, and industrial applications, improving training, accelerating product design and enabling new business models. 5G can also serve as backhaul to Wi-Fi networks, for example, for Fixed Wireless Access to homes and to Subway Trains, as demonstrated in Korea.
APT Web Dialogue: EWAO Series 23 June 2022, 10:00-11:30 hrs. (Bangkok Time)
While the LPI and VLP device classes provide great value for the digital economy, industry and regulators are exploring ways of enabling Standard Power usage to maximize the value of Wi-Fi 6E technology. Standard Power would support indoor and outdoor operations at EIRP up to 4W. One of the challenges to enabling Standard Power is how to avoid potential interference with existing 6GHz incumbents while keeping a low coordination cost. The leading solution to this challenge could be the one called Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC). For many countries, AFC will help enable unlicensed devices in the 6GHz band to operate outdoors as well as increase their indoor range while ensuring that existing services are protected from interference. This episode will explain how the AFC system can enable Wi-Fi 6E Standard Power operation to coexist with incumbent services.
Upcoming Partner Event |
CommunicAsia 2022 Capturing the Evolution of Connectivity in Asia 1-3 June 2022, Singapore
The CommunicAsia is a platform for information and communication technology which brings together communication service providers (CSPs), market disruptors, technology vendors, system integrators, cloud providers, regulators, industry analysts, associations, foundations and enterprises to discuss about the industry and identify opportunities for new business. Also, the latest developments in ICTs are demonstrated and presented at the show.
Click here for registration.
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