December 2022 |
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Recent Events: · The 23rd Meeting of South Asian Telecommunication Regulators’ Council (SATRC-23) · The 19th APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-19) · APT Regional Workshop on Smart City Platform · Seminar on Progress in APT for the year 2022 (SPA-2022) · The 46th Session of the Management Committee of the APT (MC-46) · The 5th Meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-23 (APG23-5)
Recent Events |
The 23rd Meeting of South Asian Telecommunication Regulators’ Council (SATRC-23) 14 - 16 November 2022, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran (Hybrid Meeting)
SATRC-23 was held from 14 to 16 November 2022 in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran with hybrid format (both physical and virtual/online attendance through Zoom meeting). The meeting was hosted by Communication Regulatory Authority (CRA) of Islamic Republic of Iran and was attended by 124 delegates representing 9 SATRC Members, 2 other Members of APT, 3 Affiliate Members, and other organization.
SATRC-23 consisted of five features which are as follows:
· Firstly, Silver Jubilee Celebration of SATRC: This year, 2022, marks the 25th Anniversary of the SATRC. SATRC Members along with other APT Members and International Organizations celebrated this special occasion during SATRC-23. APT launches SATRC Web Portal ( during this occasion. · Secondly, Regulators’ Roundtable among the Heads of Regulators of the SATRC Member countries discussed and shared insights as well as experiences on ‘Universal and Meaningful Digital Connectivity’. · Thirdly, Regulator-Industry Dialogue among SATRC Members and industry representatives exchanged their views on ‘Development and Status of OTTs in South Asia’. · Fourthly, Business Dialogue on ‘Developing the 5G Ecosystem in South Asia’ among industry representatives brought up the regulatory issues on 5G ecosystem from the industry perspective. · Fifthly, SATRC Members shared their policy and regulatory best practices and experiences on aspects of new and emerging technologies to support the development of digital transformation, digital innovation and digital economy.
In addition, based on the decision of the 45th Session of the Management Committee of the APT (MC-45) regarding usage of gender-neutral language, SATRC-23 reviewed and proposed the revision of the Working Methods of SATRC for approval of the 46th Session of the Management Committee of the APT (MC-46).
Moreover, SATRC-23 reviewed the activities of SATRC Action Plan Phase VIII in 2022 i.e., report of the implementation of SAP-VIII, report of the WG PRS, report of the WG SPEC and discussed the way forward.
The 24th Meeting of the SATRC (SATRC-24) will be held from 3 to 5 October 2023 in Bangladesh.
opening session of SATRC-23:
(from left): Mr. Masanori Kondo, Secretary General of APT;
Click here for more details.
The 19th APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-19) 22 - 24 November 2022, Virtual/Online Meeting
The ADF-19 was held from 22 to 24 November 2022 as a virtual/online meeting. The forum was attended by 201 participants from APT Members, Associate Member, Affiliate Members, International Organization, and other organization.
The forum elected Ms. Lefaoali’i Unutoa Auelua Fonoti (Samoa) as new Chair of ADF and Mr. Ishida Eiji (Japan) as new Vice-Chair of ADF and Mr. ISHIDA Eiji (Japan) as new Vice-Chair of ADF.
The forum also approved the proposed revision of Working Methods of ADF which includes the gender-neutral terms which will be submitted for approval of the upcoming MC-46.
ADF-19 featured the following Thematic Sessions: · Emerging ICTs in Enhancing Connectivity for Quality and Universality · Updates for Providing Affordable and Accessible Broadband Services in Asia-Pacific Region · Applications of Digital Transformations: Smart City, Smart Transportation, AI, and Best Practices for Using Data and the latest ICTs · Initiatives to Boost Startups for Accelerating Digital Economy
In addition, ADF-19 included presentations on the status, outcomes, and achievements of various ICT polit projects implemented by APT Members based on the Extra-Budgetary Contributions (EBCs) from People’s Republic of China, Japan, and Republic of Korea.
Click here for more details.
APT Regional Workshop on Smart City Platform
APT, Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) of Korea (Republic of), and Government of Malaysia jointly organized the APT Regional Workshop on Smart City Platform under the “EBC-K project on Smart City Collaboration program” from 30 November to 2 December 2022 at Palm Garden Hotel, Putrajaya, Malaysia. The workshop was hosted by the Department of Town Country Planning (PLANMalaysia), under Ministry of Housing and Local Government of Malaysia.
The workshop was supported by local strategic partners from the Ministry of Communications & Multimedia, Malaysia (K-KOMM), the Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MiGHT), Malaysia Smart City Alliance Association (MSCA) & Putrajaya Corporation (PPj).
The workshop aimed to share views, strategies, experiences, and challenges on the Smart City Data Platform which is important for the development and implementation of smart cities. In total, there were 107 participants and 14 paper presentations from APT members and local industrial players in smart city.
The workshop covered topics such as Policy and Strategy on Smart City Platforms, Smart City Platform and Use Cases, Integration and Sharing of Smart City Data and Standard based Smart City Platform and Data. The two days intensive workshop sessions indulged speakers from various organizations and industries participating both physically and virtually.
The workshop provided a platform to share and understand better each country’s views and experiences on the development of a smart city platform. The workshop concluded with the smart city visit to Putrajaya Command Centre.
Click here for more details. / Click here for Photo Gallery.
Upcoming Events |
Seminar on Progress in APT for the year 2022 (SPA-2022) 12 December 2022, Bangkok, Thailand (Hybrid Meeting)
will be held in conjunction with the 46th Session of the Management Committee
of the APT
The 46th Session of the Management Committee of the APT (MC-46) 13 – 16 December 2022, Bangkok, Thailand (Hybrid Meeting)
will review the activities in 2022 and consider and approve the Work
Upcoming Events in 2023 |
31 January - 2 February 2023, New Delhi, India
The objective of this workshop is to share insights, experiences, best practices as well as engage in dialogue to identify the challenges, opportunities and possible way forward on the work items under the SATRC Working Group on Spectrum for SAP-VIII in order to have better understanding on those issues. It will
also provide an opportunity for the SATRC Members as well as industry to
share their
The 5th Meeting of the APT Conference
Preparatory Group 20 - 25 February 2023, Busan. Republic of Korea (Hybrid Meeting)
will be held with physical attendance as well as virtual/online participation
through Zoom
1. review the results of APG23-4 and any Intersessional Working Party meetings 2. update APT preliminary views on WRC-23 Agenda Items based on input contributions from APT Members 3. consider the progress in ITU-R Study Groups in relation to WRC-23 Agenda items, and take necessary actions as appropriate 4. to review the draft CPM Report and develop APT Views on proposed modification(s) to the draft CPM Report, as appropriate, for submission to CPM23-2; 5.
review the activities of other regional organisations, in
particular their preliminary views/positions on WRC-23 with a view to
fostering interregional 6. review issues related to RA-23 and develop APT Views, if any 7. consider any possible action(s) that arise from the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 (PP-22) in relation to the radiocommunication sector.
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