September 2018 |
Telecommunity |
Recent Events |
APT Symposium on Spectrum Management 2018 3 - 5 September 2018, Manila, Philippines The APT Symposium on Spectrum
Management was held from 3 – 5 September 2018 in Manila, Philippines. The symposium
was hosted by the Department of Information and Communications Technology
(DICT), Philippines and supported by the Extra Budgetary Contribution from
Japan. It was attended by 128 participants from SATRC Members, Affiliate
Members, International and other organizations. The symposium served as an important platform
for Policy makers, Regulators and Industry to discuss emerging hot issues and
challenges and share experiences related to spectrum management. The
symposium discussed the following topics: ·
National ICT Policy and Spectrum Management ·
Understanding the spectrum needs and developing a roadmap
for spectrum ·
Economic and social valuation of spectrum in digital
society ·
Spectrum re-farming and re-deployment ·
Spectrum Management in the evolution of new technologies ·
Cross-border coordination for Spectrum Harmonization The symposium featured over 40 presentations
on the above topics from the policy makers/regulator, industry and academia.
It provided a precious opportunity to exchange opinions from different
aspects and facilitated the understanding of the role and function of
spectrum management in realizing the national ICT strategies in the APT member
countries. It also created awareness for appropriate policy and regulatory
actions in the Asia-Pacific region and enhanced greater regional cooperation in
the area of spectrum management. From left: Mr. Masanori
Kondo, Deputy Secretary General of APT and Mr John Henry D. Naga,
Undersecretary, Department of Information and Communications Technology,
Philippines at the opening session Roundtable discussion on “National ICT Policy and Spectrum
Management” Click here for more details. |
APT Symposium on Cybersecurity 12 -14 September 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea The APT Symposium on
Cybersecurity 2018 was held from 12 to 14 September 2018 in Seoul, Republic
of Korea. The symposium was hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT),
Republic of Korea. It was attended by 71 participants from APT Members,
Affiliate Members, International Organizations, other organizations and APT
Secretariat. The participants had fruitful
discussions during 14 sessions covering international arrangements on data
and privacy for EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and APEC Cross
Border Privacy Rules (CBPR), keynote speech on national initiatives to
prepare new era of EU GDPR and APEC CBPR, roundtable discussion on strategies
tackling down the challenges for EU GDPR and APEC CBPR, updates on policies
and regulation of APT Members, threats in digital financial transactions and
critical information infrastructure, routing security, IoT security, best
practices of national/regional CERT and CSIRT and panel discussion on
international cooperation and collaboration. After the symposium, there was a
site visit to Korea Internet Security Center (KISC)/ Cyber Threat
Intelligence Center (CTIC) in Seoul which is operated by Korea Internet
Society Agency (KISA). Visit to Korea Internet
Security Center (KISC)/ Cyber Threat Intelligence Center (CTIC) Click here for more details. |
The 24th Meeting of APT Wireless Group
(AWG-24) 17-21 September 2018, Bangkok, Thailand The 24th Meeting of APT Wireless
Group (AWG-24) was held from 17 to 21 September 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand.
The meeting was attended by 180 participants from APT Members, Associate
Members, Affiliate Members, International/Regional Organizations, other organizations
and APT Secretariat. During AWG-24, the Working
Groups, Sub-Working Groups and Task Groups met several times in order to
discuss the work progress on various work items. The Work Items are related
to various work areas including spectrum arrangement and harmonization;
spectrum monitoring; spectrum sharing studies; future development of IMT;
fixed wireless systems; intelligent transport system; wireless power
transmission; modern satellite systems; aeronautical and maritime; PPDR and
railway radiocommunication. In addition, the two Ad Hoc groups
formed during AWG-23 discussed the subject of High Altitude Platform Systems
(HAPS) and issues related to the adoption of Draft APT Recommendation. The meeting
approved the formation of the new TG HAPS under the Working Group Technology
Aspects and the proposal to revise some provisions of the APT Document
framework. AWG-24 considered over a hundred input
documents and approved the following: ·
Six new Reports and four revised Reports ·
One Questionnaires on Vehicle-Mounted Earth
Stations (VMES) operating with GSO FSS networks in the Ku-band in APT
countries ·
Two liaison statements to ITU-R working
parties ·
Five liaison statements to APG-19 From left: Ms. Zhu Keer,
Vice-Chairman of AWG; Ms. Areewan Haorangsi, Secretary General of APT; Dr.
Kohei Satoh, Chairman of AWG and Mr. Masanori Kondo, Deputy Secretary General
of APT Click here for more details. |
Upcoming Events |
Seminar on APT activities in 2018 8 October 2018 , Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia The Seminar on APT activities in
2018 will be held on the 8 October 2018 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in
conjunction with the 42nd Session of the Management Committee of the APT
(MC-42) scheduled to be held from 9 to 12 October 2018 at the same
venue. Both events will be hosted by the Communications and Information
Technology Authority, Mongolia. Click here for more details. |
The 42nd Session of the Management Committee
of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (MC-42) 9 - 12 October 2018, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia The 42nd Session of the
Management Committee of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (MC-42) is scheduled
to be held from 9 to 12 October 2018 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Prior to
MC-42, the Seminar on APT activities in 2018 will be held on 8 October 2018
at the same venue. Both events will be hosted by the Communications and
Information Technology Authority, Mongolia. MC-42 will consider and approve
the Work Programme for the year 2019 and Annual Budget for the year 2019, and
review the APT activities in 2018 which have been implemented under the
Strategic Plan for 2018-2020. Furthermore, MC-42 will elect the Chairman and
two Vice-Chairmen of the Management Committee of the APT for the next term
and discuss other issues, i.e. preparation for the Asia-Pacific ICT
Ministerial Meeting in 2019 and Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the
APT. Click here for more details. |
11th APT Policy and Regulation Forum for
Pacific (PRFP-11) 27 - 29 November 2018, Apia, Samoa The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity
(APT) will organize the 11th APT Policy and Regulation Forum for Pacific
(PRFP-11) from 27 to 29 November 2018 in Apia, Samoa. The forum will be
hosted by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT),
Government of Samoa, and supported by the Extra Budgetary Contributions from
Australia and Japan. The objective of PRFP-11 is to
provide a common platform for Pacific countries to discuss issues together
for solutions, which are viable, and feasible for particular conditions of
the region. The forum will discuss topics such as Trends on ICT Policy and
Regulation/Updates of the Pacific, AI and IoT for the Pacific, Internet
Connectivity of the Pacific and its beyond, etc. Prior to PRFP-11, APT in
collaboration with Internet Society (ISOC) and Asia Pacific Network
Information Center (APNIC) will organize the “Internet Connectivity Workshop
on Ensuring Sustainable Connectivity in Pacific” on 26 November 2018.
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) will also join as
a partner organization. Click here for more details. |
Click here for Tentative Calendar
of Training Programmes for 2018 Click here
for Tentative Calendar of APT Events for the
year 2018