July 2018 |
Telecommunity |
Recent Events |
South Asian Telecommunication Regulators’
Council (SATRC) Workshop on Policy, Regulation and Services 3 - 5 July 2018, Kathmandu, Nepal The South Asian Telecommunication
Regulators’ Council (SATRC) Workshop on Policy, Regulation and Services was
held from 3 to 5 July 2018 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The workshop was hosted by
the Nepal Telecommunication Authority (NTA), Nepal and supported by Extra
Budgetary Contribution (EBC) by the Government of Japan. Honourable Gokul Prasad Baskota,
Minister for Communication and Information Technology, Nepal presided over
the opening ceremony. Ms. Areewan Haorangsi, Secretary General of APT, Mr.
Digambar Jha, Chairman of NTA, and Mr. Mahendra Man Gurung, Secretary of
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Nepal delivered the
welcome address. The workshop was attended by 102
participants from APT Members, Affiliate Members, international organizations
and other organizations. The workshop was held as part of implementation of
SATRC Action Plan Phase VI. The objective of the workshop was to give an
in-depth analysis on the above work items to increase the understanding of
the officers who are involved in policy, regulation and services related
issues. The workshop discussed various
topics such as Regulatory Approaches to Enhance Broadband Experiences, Policy
and Regulatory Aspects of Infrastructure Sharing, Enhanced Consumer
Protection in Digital Economy (including Cybersecurity, Big Data and Data
Sovereignty), ICT Regulatory Framework for M2M Communications and IoT for
SATRC Countries, and Regulatory Framework for Mobile Virtual Network
Operators (MVNO). Click here for more details. |
5th Meeting of Working Group of Management
Committee on APT Legal Instruments (WGMC-5) 24 - 26 July 2018, Bangkok, Thailand The 5th Meeting of Working Group
of Management Committee on APT Legal Instruments (WGMC-5) was held from 24 to
26 July 2018 at the APT Headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand. WGMC-05 was
attended by 19 participants from 8 APT Members and the APT Secretariat. The
meeting was chaired by Mr. William Kwong Hwa Lee, Chairman of WGMC. The meeting reviewed the outcomes
of the 4th Meeting of WGMC (WGMC-4) and the outcomes of the 14th Session of
the General Assembly of the APT (GA-14) and the 41st Session of the
Management Committee of the APT (MC-41). The meeting discussed and agreed on
the following matters: 1) (draft) Guideline on Representation of the APT in other Regions’
Meetings 2) Proposal to revise Guideline for Awarding Fellowships to the APT
Event/ Activity in conjunction with the Management Committee 3) Proposal
to revise Resolution 12/GA – Resolution on the Procedures for the Election of
the Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General of the Asia-Pacific
Telecommunity 4) Proposal
to revise Staff Regulations and Staff Rules of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity
(on the retirement age for staff members of the APT) 5) Proposal to revise Resolution on Suspension of the Rights and
Benefits of the Membership due to Arrears 6) Proposal to revise Financial Regulations of the APT 7) Proposal
to revise Affiliate Membership Guidelines 8) APT Secretariat to submit the proposal on APT Yearbook Fund to
MC-42 for consideration 9) APT Secretariat to include more information on manpower plan,
succession plan, etc., to the Human Resource Management Plan of the APT
Secretariat to be discussed at the next WGMC meeting These outcomes will be reported
to MC-42 for its final approval or guidance, in particular the revision of
Resolutions under the remit of General Assembly. Click here for more details. |
APT Secretariat
Activity |
Visit by Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting
Development (AIBD) On 18 July 2018, Ms. Areewan Haorangsi, Secretary General of
APT welcomed Mr. Jung Seob Bae, Special
Advisory Officer (SAO) of the Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting
Development (AIBD). Also joining was Dr. Jongbong Park, Director Project
Development of APT. |
Upcoming Events |
18th APT Policy and Regulatory Forum
(PRF-18) 8 - 10 August 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh APT will organize the 18th APT
Policy and Regulatory Forum (PRF-18) from 8 to 10 August 2018 in Dhaka,
Bangladesh. The forum will be hosted by the Bangladesh Telecommunication
Regulatory Commission (BTRC), Bangladesh. PRF provides a platform where high-level policy makers and
regulators meet to discuss telecommunications and ICT policy and regulatory
issues that are of common interest to the region. It is also a platform for
the industry to bring issues of their concern to the attention of the
regulators. PRF-18 will focus its work in line with the new Strategic Plan of the APT for 2018-2020 which serves as the guideline for APT’s activities from 2018-2020. The forum will address emerging digital technologies trends in the digital economy and discuss various issues including policy and regulatory challenges, opportunities, and innovation topics. In addition, on 10 August, PRF-18 will discuss the preparation for the Asia-Pacific ICT Ministerial Meeting 2019 (theme and structure of the Ministerial meeting) and the establishment of the Correspondence Group for the Ministerial Meeting including its Terms of Reference, structure and work plan. Proceeding to PRF-18, from 6 to 7 August 2018, there will be the ITU-BTRC Asia-Pacific Regulators Roundtable organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (BTRC) at the same venue. Click here for more details. |
4th Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for
PP-18 (APT PP18-4) 27- 30 August 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia APT will organize the 4th Meeting
of the APT Preparatory Group for PP-18 (APT PP18-4) from 27 to 30 August 2018
in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The meeting will be hosted by the Ministry of Communications
and Multimedia Malaysia (KKMM) and the Malaysian Communications and
Multimedia Commission (MCMC) Malaysia. APT PP18-4 will continue the
discussion on the issues of interest to the region for the ITU
Plenipotentiary Conference 2018 (PP-18) and develop Preliminary APT Common
Proposals for PP-18. APT PP18-4 is expected to conduct the following
activities: ·
Consider the input contributions from APT Members; ·
Review outcomes of the preparatory process of other
regional organizations; ·
Develop Preliminary APT Common Proposals for PP-18; ·
Develop necessary procedures and arrangements for APT
coordination meetings. Click here for more details. |
APT Symposium on Spectrum Management 2018 3 - 5 September 2018, Manila, Philippines APT will organize the APT
Symposium on Spectrum Management 2018 from 3 to 5 September 2018 in Manila,
Philippines. The symposium will be hosted by the Department of Information
and Communications Technology (DICT), Philippines and supported by the Extra
Budgetary Contributions from Japan. The objectives of the symposium
are to discuss and share understandings on policy and regulatory issues in
spectrum management as well as possible approaches toward new ICT trends, and
to facilitate regional cooperation in relevant areas, emphasizing on but not
limited to: Role and function of spectrum
management policy in the context of National ICT Strategy; ·
Spectrum policy and regulation with
recent industry trends; ·
Related industry/competition policy and
regulation (licensing, spectrum re-farming, etc.); ·
Coordination to minimize the
cross-border interference; ·
Best practices and experiences in
spectrum management among member countries. A dialogue will also be held for
high level policy makers, regulators and industry in the region to discuss
the issues mentioned above. Click here for more details. |
APT Symposium on Cybersecurity 12 -14 September 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea APT will organize the APT
Symposium on Cybersecurity from 12 to 14 September 2018 in Seoul, Republic of
Korea. The symposium will be hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT
(MSIT), Republic of Korea and supported by the Extra Budgetary Contributions
from Australia and Japan. The overall objective of the
Symposium on cybersecurity is to bring APT members to a common platform for a
dialogue on cybersecurity and data protection issues and to provide them with
an opportunity to share and address key issues of concern, as well as to
facilitate intra-regional collaboration on policy and regulatory issues as
required. Industry leaders and other key stakeholders are expected to share
their views on various cybersecurity issues facing the sector. The specific objectives are: ·
To assist members to collaborate to
build and strengthen trust and confidence in the use of ICT so that the
people can use ICT for their progress and prosperity without any concern; ·
To provide a platform to exchange an
information on implementing and/or planning to implement polices/regulations
in cybersecurity measures; ·
To share information on the
cybersecurity threat landscape including data infringement and ransomware
attacks; ·
To address internet fraud related
issues; ·
To address the impacts of data in
digital society with a highlight on cross-border data flow, security, and
privacy in the Asia-Pacific region. Click here for more details. |
24th Meeting of APT Wireless Group (AWG-24) 17-21 September 2018, Bangkok, Thailand APT will organize the 24th
Meeting of APT Wireless Group (AWG-24) from 17 to 21 September 2018 in
Bangkok, Thailand. During AWG-24, the Working Groups
of AWG will review the work progress on work items and develop outcomes based
on decision taken at the meeting. Click here for more details. |
Seminar on APT activities in 2018 08 October 2018 , Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia The Seminar on APT activities in
2018 will be held on the 8 October 2018 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in
conjunction with the 42nd Session of the Management Committee of the APT
(MC-42) scheduled to be held from 9 to 12 October 2018 at the same
venue. Both events will be hosted by the Communications and Information
Technology Authority, Mongolia. Click here for more details. |
42nd Session of the Management Committee of
the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (MC-42) 9 - 12 October 2018, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia The 42nd Session of the
Management Committee of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (MC-42) is scheduled
to be held from 9 to 12 October 2018 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Prior to
MC-42, the Seminar on APT activities in 2018 will be held on 8 October 2018
at the same venue. Both events will be hosted by the Communications and
Information Technology Authority, Mongolia. MC-42 will consider and approve
the Work Programme for the year 2019 and Annual Budget for the year 2019, and
review the APT activities in 2018 which have been implemented under the
Strategic Plan for 2018-2020. Furthermore, MC-42 will elect the Chairman and
two Vice-Chairmen of the Management Committee of the APT for the next term
and discuss other issues, i.e. preparation for the Asia-Pacific ICT Ministerial
Meeting in 2019 and Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the APT. Click here for more details. |
Click here for Tentative Calendar
of Training Programmes for 2018 Click here
for Tentative Calendar of APT Events for the
year 2018