October 2018 |
Telecommunity |
Recent Events |
Seminar on APT activities in 2018 8 October 2018 , Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia The Seminar on APT activities in
2018 was held on the 8 October 2018 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia prior to the
42nd Session of the Management Committee of the APT (MC-42). Both events were
hosted by the Communications and Information Technology Authority, Mongolia.
The Seminar was attended by 30 participants from 10 Members, 3 Affiliate
Members and the APT Secretariat. The seminar provided brief background on the
Strategic Plan of the APT for 2018-2020, strategic pillars, overall objective
and expected outcomes, and implementation mechanism. The seminar also
provided summary of the APT Work Programme and its achievement and outcomes
in 2018 and tentative APT Work Programme for 2019 which was proposed to MC-42
for approval. Click here for more details. |
The 42nd Session of the Management Committee
of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (MC-42) 9 - 12 October 2018, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia The 42nd Session of the Management Committee
of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (MC-42) was held from 9 to 12 October 2018
in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The meeting was hosted by the Communications and
Information Technology Authority, Mongolia. MC-42 was attended by over 100
participants from 20 Members, 1 Associate Member, 8 Affiliate Members, APT
Secretariat and others. The meeting was inaugurated by Mr. Chinbat
Baatarjav, Chairman of the Communication and Information Technology Authority
of Mongolia. MC-42 reviewed the activities of the APT in
2018 and approved a total of 31 Work Programmes for 2019 including the Asia-Pacific
ICT Ministerial Meeting 2019. In addition, MC-42 approved 3 APT
Recommendations, revised Working Methods of APT Standardization Program
(ASTAP), Guidelines on Representation of the APT in other Regions Preparatory
Meetings, revised Guidelines for Awarding Fellowships to the APT
Event/Activity in conjunction with the Management Committee, revised
Financial Regulations of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity and Guidelines for
the Use of APT Yearbook Fund. The meeting also approved the Terms of
Reference of the Correspondence Group for Asia-Pacific ICT Ministerial
Meeting 2019 (CGMM) and approved Mr. Charles Chew from Singapore as the
Chairman of CGMM. On the budgetary side, MC-42 approved the
budget of USD 2,682,756 for the year 2019 which includes USD 1,325,867 for
staff expenses, USD 194,509 for administration, USD 995,000 for Work
Programmes, USD 87,380 for doubtful/bad debts and USD 80,000 for inputs
toward special accounts. In addition, MC-42 elected Mr. Sang-hun Lee
(Republic of Korea) as the new Chairman of the MC for the next two-year term,
replacing Mr. Ilyas Ahmed, the current Chairman who
completed his second term at this MC. The meeting also re-elected Mr.
Charles Chew (Singapore) as Vice-Chairman of the MC for the second term and
elected Ms. Lindl Rowe (Australia) as the new Vice-Chairman of the MC,
replacing Mr. Sang-hun Lee. the current Vice-Chairman. The
opening session of MC-42: From left: Mr. Chinbat Baatarjav,
Chairman of the Communication and Information Technology Authority of
Mongolia, Mr. Charles Chew, Vice Chairman of MC; Ms. Areewan Haorangsi,
Secretary General of APT, Mr. Ilyas Ahmed, Chairman
of MC; Mr. Sang-hun Lee, Vice-Chairman of MC; and Mr. Masanori Kondo,
Deputy Secretary General of APT Click here for more details. |
Upcoming Events |
11th APT Policy and Regulation Forum for
Pacific (PRFP-11) 27 - 29 November 2018, Apia, Samoa The AP) will organize the 11th APT Policy and Regulation Forum
for Pacific (PRFP-11) from 27 to 29 November 2018 in Apia, Samoa. The forum
will be hosted by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
(MCIT), Government of Samoa, and supported by the Extra Budgetary
Contributions from Australia and Japan. The objective of PRFP-11 is to provide a common platform for
Pacific countries to discuss issues together for solutions, which are viable,
and feasible for particular conditions of the region. The forum will discuss
topics such as Trends on ICT Policy and Regulation/Updates of the Pacific, AI
and IoT for the Pacific, Internet Connectivity of the Pacific and its beyond,
etc. Prior to PRFP-11, APT in collaboration with Internet Society
(ISOC) and Asia Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC) will organize the
“Internet Connectivity Workshop on Ensuring Sustainable Connectivity in
Pacific” on 26 November 2018. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers (ICANN) will also join as a partner organization. In addition, ITU-APT-PITA
Sub-regional Workshop on “Enabling policies and regulations for catalyzing
e-application in the Pacific” will be organized on 30 November 2018 with the
collaboration with ITU and PITA. Click here for more details. |
The 19th Meeting of the South Asian
Telecommunication Regulators’ Council (SATRC-19) 13 - 15 December 2018, Islamabad, Pakistan The APT will organize the 19th
Meeting of the South Asian Telecommunication Regulators’ Council (SATRC-19)
from 13 to 15 December 2018 in Islamabad, Pakistan. The meeting will be
hosted by the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA). The SATRC meeting is held
annually to discuss and coordinate regulatory and other related issues in the
area of telecommunication and ICT that are common for the regulators of SATRC
Members. The meeting will be attended by the heads of telecommunication
regulatory bodies of SATRC Member countries and designated senior level
officers. SATRC-19 will discuss the key
policy and regulatory issues in SATRC Member countries, approve the outcomes
of SATRC Action Plan Phase VI and adopt SATRC Action Plan Phase VII. The
meeting will also include special sessions for Regulators’ Roundtable,
Industry-Regulator Dialogue, Sharing Regulatory Experiences and Industry
Sessions to facilitate the development of the telecom/ICT sector in South
Asia. The Regulators’ Roundtable will be held exclusive for the head of
regulators to discuss and share thoughts on important regulatory issues that
need regional collaboration specifically for the SATRC Member countries and
generally to the Asia-Pacific region. Click here for more details. |
Upcoming Event in 2019 |
The 4th Meeting of the APT Conference
Preparatory Group for WRC-19 (APG19-4) 7 - 12 January 2019, Busan, Republic of Korea The APT will organize the 4th
Meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-19 (APG19-4) from 7
to 12 January 2019 in Busan, Republic of Korea. The meeting will be hosted by
the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT), Republic of Korea. The objectives of APG19-4 are as
follows: 1) to review
the results of the APG19-3 meeting; 2) to
continue developing APT preliminary views for WRC-19 Agenda items based on
input contributions from APT Members; 3) to
consider the results of ITU-R studies and relevant information provided by
AWG in relation to WRC-19 Agenda items, and take necessary actions as
appropriate; 4) to review
the draft CPM Report and develop APT Views on proposed modification(s) to
draft CPM Report, as appropriate, for submission to CPM19-2; 5) to
develop Preliminary APT Common Proposals (PACPs), if any, for initial
consideration; 6) to review
the activities of other regional organisations, in particular, their
preliminary views/position with a view to fostering inter-regional
cooperation; 7) to
continue the review of issues related to RA-19 activities and develop
harmonised APT Views; 8) to
consider any possible action(s) that arise from the ITU Plenipotentiary
Conference 2018 (PP-18) in relation to the radiocommunication sector; and 9) to
review, if necessary, the Working Methods of APG in relation to mechanism in
coordinating APT activities during CPM19-2, RA-19 and WRC-19. Click here for more details. |
Click here for Tentative Calendar
of Training Programmes for 2018 Click here
for Calendar of APT Events for the year 2018